Is it’s your heart’s desire to be more organized? Let me ask you this — have you ever taken the time to sit down and pinpoint the priorities that make your heart sing? Or are you the Madhatter? The character in Alice in Wonderland, trapped in his doings that never end? Remember his tea parties?
As I often write, “ I am so busy, I am dizzy.” I’m willing to bet you are too. You are busy with your business. Right?
I am the Madhattress, the feminine for a Madhatter. If I’m truthful, I like my style 75% of the time. Being busy and curious and rushing gives me a type of high. How about you?
It is the 25% of my style that I want to solve. I would like to have peace, my chosen word to dwell on in 2022. Remember my New Year’s theme? Rather than a resolution for 2022, I’ve chosen the theme to work on for the year. My word is Peace.
I am thinking of making a little bracelet for myself with the word, PEACE. This would be my constant reminder when I am about to lose all sense of peace! Would you wear a bracelet with your special word if I designed one for you?
How can I have peace when I overbook my time? It is impossible! Organization has to become a fixed priority.
What is a priority? A priority is anything that is important to you. Some priorities change while others are written in stone. I can think of two of mine that will never change. The first is my husband, Sheldon F. Good, better known as my Ultimate Concierge. And the second is my pooch, America Good.
Organization is a matter of the greatest importance and should be a priority that we write in stone. In all our lives.
Sweet reader, you and I have the power to choose. I love those two words: To choose. Don’t you?
Once upon a time, it was the children. Then it was their education. Once upon a time, it was buying a first home, saving money, for college. See how our priorities change?
After the age of 50+ so many of our priorities change for the better. We have the time and the know-how… to bloom,
The word ‘time’ for me has become a primary issue. I ask myself, “How can I organize my lifestyle with so many things on my plate; that I enjoy!
You see, like you, I lead more than one life. I have a family, a business, a social life and I must make time for myself. I know you have three of the three and many of you have a business, too. This year, I added: time for myself because if I know if I am not good to myself, I cannot be good to others. And, this takes time!!! This takes organization. This will bring me peace!
Aside from my normal routine, my Ultimate Concierge had surgery for a detached retina last Friday. He has to have three eye drops 4 times a day with 3 minutes between each of the meds. He needs to lie on his right side or keep his head face down for one week! Since Friday night I know I have said at least 1 million times: “Keep your head down!” Stay on your right side!” Why? Because I love him and care. I am exhausted from worrying about him.
Yesterday of all days, my Ultimate Concierge’s new assistant started! Obviously, he couldn’t help her acclimate in his condition so I added that to my plate.
The Comcast man came yesterday! He makes his calls to our building once a week. I had an appointment with him to set up Paramount + because my friend told me I had to watch the series 1883! By the way, we love it.
Also, I needed help with our new Google Nest Hub Max. It is so fabulous and I recommend it to everyone. My hubby was able to lie on his right side in bed and watch his favorite Charlie Chaplin movies.
Peter, our contractor, arrived while Alberto (Comcast) was teaching me about the Google Nest! He is going to do some work in our apartment.
Now my heart is starting to pound. It is noon.
- Shelly needs his meds
- Peter needs my attention
- I need Alberto and the new assistant needs me.
- And, the computer person who is setting up my new Amazon Shop is on the phone!
I also worked out at 7:30 am, wrote a story for you at 4:00 am, Slacked my Honey B helpers at 5:00 am, and sent out several emails. Oh! I washed my hair!
Owning an internet company also requires organization! It is very difficult for me because everything concerning my business is online. Nothing is in front of me. This gives me so much trouble staying organized because I am a visual person and an outside person. I am not a computer geek by any stretch of the imagination!
How does stay organized? We use a content calendar.
Our calendar has:
- 20 titles of stories for the month
- Videos to coincide with content
- A social Media Calendar to coincide with the videos and SM
- Affiliate Marketing and Sponsorships
Every day I have to refer to my Content Calendar. Every day, I have to look it up online! This frustrated me to the nines and beyond!!!
In order to be organized and have peace, I thought up a brilliant idea! I would order an easel and whiteboard and pin my Content Calendar up on my easel. It is on its way.
- I have two calendars to stay on track. I use my Apple Calendar for my social life and my Google Calendar for my business. Does this system work? The calendars do work; but with everything a priority in my razzle dazzle life, not perfectly because I want to get it all in!!!
- On a personal level, phone calls, etc. I finally, after ordering several different yearly calendars, found one that fits my needs.
- Stickers! I can’t believe I decided to buy stickers!
Valentine’s Day is two weeks away and this is the first time I bought myself Valentines’ gifts! Stickers, an easel, and a day calendar…all with the purpose of adding a necessary priority…organization. Hopefully, this will bring me peace. I am smiling.
How do you stay organized? I would love for you to share your wisdom in the comments.
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Thank you
You are so very welcome!!! Warmly, Honey
Oh dear Honey, I could hear your conundrum with your demanding schedule! I saw myself in your descriptions of your constants that require an immense amount of time. Being an interior designer, I am more right brain than left which us creatives like you normally are,. Therefore, your issues are my issues merely with different assignments. Thank you for your visual planner concept along with making me feel more “normal”.
I am smiling!!!! Thank you for your article!!!! I always feel full of pride when I see your name as the contributor on my sight. I am in the process of doing my foyer, etc.. You know about those etc.!!!! Warmly, Honey
Thank you for sharing this Honey! I had been on a quest for the perfect planner for years (I have yet to accept the idea that my calendar should reside on my phone) and this is perfect! There was one I really loved, called Woman with a Plan, by Create & Cultivate, but they do not make them anymore. Thanks for the inspiration…if you can handle a schedule like that, I can certainly handle mine! Be well, Virginia
I don’t like to use my phone or computer, but I do along with my handwritten notes.I am glad I inspired you!!!! I am smiling. Warmly, Honey
I’m so sorry that your Ultimate Concierge had a detached retina. Hope his recovery goes well. We also are enjoying 1883. I would purchase a peace bracelet if you made one. I too get a little frazzled at times trying to do too many things at one time.
Thank you for your concern. His recovery is 100%. We found out last Friday. Whew!!!! I may be bringing out a bracelet for Mother’s Day!!! We all get frazzled. As long as there is a little dazzle to go along with our lives…it is AOK!!! Warmly, Honey