I'm Honey!

As a woman who has lived through many passages and learned through my larger than life experiences (positive and negative), I’ve discovered how to take a big empowering bite out of life.

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Darling, it’s entertaining and hosting season, and for me, that always includes French cheese.

Last week, a memory from my youth came to mind. I recall the beginnings of my love affair with Paris which led to my love of French cheeses!

When I was eleven years old I rode my bike down the block to my girlfriend Charlotte’s house. It was a Friday afternoon, after school. I wanted to make a playdate for Saturday. 

When I rang the doorbell and told Charlotte my plan, she replied that she couldn’t. She said, “I can’t play. I am going to Paris for the weekend!” 

Stunned, I asked, “YOU are going to Paris, France for the weekend?” 

She laughed, “No, I am going to Paris, Illinois.” Once I said goodbye, I recall riding my bike home at top speed. While riding, I told myself, with determination and a big smile on my face, “One day I will go to Paris, France!” 

honey good with paris pillow is a worldly woman

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That day began my romance with Paris, France; not Paris, Illinois. This small-town girl from Kankakee by the Sea could not stop herself from falling in love with everything French!  I fell in love with French perfume. My favorite scents today are Francis Kurkdjian’s Baccarat Rouge 540 Eau de Parfum, and Shalimar Eau de Parfum, by Guerlain. I fell in love with French cosmetics. Especially Guerlain’s lipstick and stunning lipstick cases! 

Not to mention, the French language and her music, (I only listen to French music in my car). I fell in love with French fashion and French architecture. With Monet’s Garden, Marie Antoinette’s home, the Petit Trianon, in the Park at Versailles. 

I fell in love with French restaurants and Bistros. La Grenouille in Manhattan with its stunning floral arrangements fit for a Queen. And Tour d’Argent in Paris with its scene of Notre Dame out the windows.  It opened as a restaurant in 1686 but technically opened as an inn in 1582. This makes it the oldest restaurant on Earth! All of this brings me to finely aged and tasteful French cheeses.  

Honey Good and her love of French cheese


Not only do I revel in the flavor of French cheeses that age tastefully, but I also love the wrapping. In one of my local grocery stores, in particular, I look forward to visiting their cheese department. I adore admiring the packaging and different varieties of French cheese. I especially love Camembert and Brie and sprinkling Roquefort on salads. It’s fascinating how these cheeses have deep roots in French culture, which has evolved alongside the development of Romance languages and the influence of Middle French over time.

Did you know there are 1,000 types of cheeses in France? And 56 of them are classified, protected, and regulated under French law. When I learned this fact I was very surprised. As France experienced population growth over the centuries, regional cheese varieties flourished, each with unique characteristics and histories. Did you know that Chevre (or goat cheese) and Muenster cheese were ranked in the top ten kinds of cheese in France? The top three on the list, I mentioned without knowing where they ranked, are my favorites.

Honey Good's love of France and French cheese


There’s something truly delightful about crafting a beautiful charcuterie board—another French tradition I adore. A well-made charcuterie board transforms any occasion, big or small, into an experience. French cheese, of course, takes the spotlight.

For a lovely, balanced board, start with a few essential cheeses:

  • Camembert or Brie – Soft and creamy, perfect for spreading on crusty bread.
  • Comté or Gruyère – Nutty and flavorful, pairing well with meats and olives.
  • Chèvre (goat cheese) – Tangy and smooth, delicious with a drizzle of honey or figs.
  • Roquefort or Bleu d’Auvergne – Bold and complex, ideal with pears or fresh grapes.
  • Mimolette or Tomme de Savoie – Aged and firm, adding a unique texture.

Round out the board with fresh fruits, a handful of nuts, and a glass of wine. French cheese on a charcuterie board is pure joy and a little taste of Paris itself. Here are some beautiful boards and platters to use as the foundation for your spread.


I equate Paris with femininity. Parisian French culture, rooted in centuries of refinement, mirrors the elegance of its women. French women, like fine cheeses, age with a natural grace. Their beauty isn’t flashy; it’s refined—much like the artisanal packaging of a well-aged cheese. Both are subtle, never garish, and always perfectly presented.

French women make every detail count. The way they tie a scarf or move with quiet grace reflects a cultural lineage that dates back to Middle French traditions. They don’t resist aging; they embrace it. Like cheese that gains complex flavors over time, French women become more intriguing. Their allure is part of a broader legacy shared by Romance languages—an understated, expressive beauty that values depth, character, and confidence.

Honey Good holds up Balmain Paris sweater showing her style after 50


A French woman over fifty has qualities worth emulating. French women feel empowered. I speak from experience because I have Parisian friends. They have a refinement about them with a mix of haughtiness, composure, and flair. Not to mention, an aura that comes from their French culture. They live a physical, mental, and spiritual discipline. This offers a woman her best chance of living a luxurious and exquisite life. They are like finely aged cheese; always striving for perfection.


My French friends seem to have a plan. They visualize the way they want their life to be at sixty, seventy, eighty, and ninety. These women take care of their bodies—rarely do I see fuller-figured French women in Paris. They are keenly aware that their bodies have to last them well into their nineties. It’s almost as if they live by an unspoken Old French wisdom, timeless and practical, much like a cultural philosophy passed down through generations.

These women protect their skin from the sun, they take Pilates and Yoga. Also, they drink lots of Evian water because they do not want to look like a prune! They dress simply, wear little make-up, and they are selective about everything. And that includes their love of French cheeses. One friend even joked that if the United Nations ever needed ambassadors of grace and aging, the French women would be perfect candidates.

You can compare a French woman to a French cheese recipe—one of perfection whose taste is ageless. The two have a common denominator we should embrace.

HONEYGOOD IN white pants suit with blue flowers facts about grandparents


Let us never underestimate the American woman who rides her wave differently. She does not want to look back on her life, wishing. She wants physical adventures and is willing to take emotional risks. In general, an American woman expresses her feelings and lets herself be more vulnerable than a French woman. An American woman is also more open to having role models. I suggest she talk with a French woman that she knows. 


In the end, let’s applaud the French for enriching our lives with their 1,000 varieties of cheese—a true art of indulgence. It’s time to bring more self-care into our days, whether over lunch with friends or dreaming of a trip to Paris. A little French cheese on crackers, paired with good wine and fresh grapes, can turn any meal into a moment of delight. Why not treat ourselves?

Have you been to Paris, France? If so, did you try any French cheeses? Please let me know in the comments!

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November 12, 2024

Entertainment, Home, Self Care, Travel

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  1. Joan says:

    Thank you for today’s blog and every one of your posts they are so positive and inspirational. I so admire your elegant chic style and you posts reflect in philosophy your outward beauty and grace. I also Love France especially Monet, Renoir, Charles Aznavour French fashion, literature, cuisine and of course French cheeses and wine. Just remembering the museums and the ambiance of Paris brings such joy Merci beaucoup for the reminder.

    • Honey Good says:

      You are so very welcome and thank you for the compliments. I am most appreciative for your kind words. Warmly, Honey

  2. Diana Sessums says:

    I just adore you. Wish I could visit Paris.

    • Honey Good says:

      I adore you too. If you cannot travel to Paris, you can watch documentaries and listen to Podcasts and read books!!! Where there is a will…there is a way. Put Paris on your bucket list. Warmly, Honey

  3. Susan says:

    I have always considered haughtiness to be a negative trait. What is your perception of the word. This is not meat to be trolling, just real curiosity. Love your take on French women, food and travel.

    • Susan Good says:

      I agree with you about the word, haughty. It means a person is arrogant. I would never want to be described as haughty especially since I am not that type. Glad you asked. Have a wonderful day! Warmly, Honey

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