I am quite certain every woman experiences serendipity and it is your responsibility to embrace it, darling!
Do you embrace serendipity, darling? I make it a point to. I don’t live in the past (even if I do explore my past lives! More on that below). Truth be told, I don’t often think of the past because I am too busy thinking about today.
Of course, I have my memories tucked tight in my heart, the good, the bad, and the ones I wish never occurred. I don’t dwell on the unacceptable frightful ones because I can’t change what I wish never happened. The wonderful and loving ones are beautiful dreams. They fade in and out when something comes about and attaches to a sweet memory.
Today, I decided I wanted to write about a few happenings of pleasant serendipity. I have a couple of reasons for doing this. The most important is that it might enlighten you to think, Ah-ha! And the second reason explains how I chase every serendipitous moment that comes my way. My hope is that you, too, will chase serendipity until you catch it (even if it means stretching outside of your comfort zone).
Oh, and you can read of another serendipitous happening in this story!
I am quite certain every woman experiences serendipity. Serendipity is an individual’s ability to recognize something valuable or delightful when he or she least expects it. The word is referred to as magic and oftentimes coincides with a lucky event. However, for many women, it may go untouched and even unnoticed.
Serendipity is in the Eye of the Beholder
A serendipitous experience is in the eye of the beholder. A woman who sees her glass half full recognizes every serendipitous experience as a valuable gift and chases it until she owns it. She has a resilient attitude and is aware of its presence. She makes her magic moments come alive.
On the other hand, the woman who sees her glass half empty limits her ability to act when serendipity comes her way. In her mind, a lucky surprise is uninspiring and therefore she never realizes her good fortune. The moment passes and with it, her chance does too.
To take this a step further, the woman who sees her glass half full says yes to every serendipitous experience. The woman who sees her glass half empty says, “Yes… but.”
So darlings, I think the easiest way to take advantage of your lucky moments is to avoid using the words “… but.” Instead, dare yourself to say “yes!”
This goes doubly to those who are thrust into situations that they have not asked for and are difficult, like taking on the role of caregiver —in those times you must be ready to embrace the serendipity of new experience perhaps finding joy in solitary pleasures.
Serendipity Is No Accident

After 50 is the time to take risks and try new experiences.
I don’t believe serendipity happens by accident. I know I am surrounded by it. It is a mindset that builds up over the years in women who are resilient, curious, and positive. A woman who experiences serendipity never blocks new things from entering her life — not even an Apple Watch that she had no desire to own until…
Embracing New Experiences: The Apple Watch
A few years ago I went to the Apple store because my iPhone needed repair. There was a long wait and, of course, serendipity appeared at my doorstep.
Sitting next to me was a woman wearing an Apple Watch. I had no desire to own this watch because it seemed too complicated and not feminine for my taste. Before we parted, she told me she owned 60 watch bands and explained how her watch improved her daily life. I was impressed.
Suddenly I began noticing scores of women’s wrists walking down the Chicago streets. Tons were wearing Apple watches. That summer we took a cruise and on the cruise ship, I noticed so many women with Apple watches in so many different colors. When I saw the pink band, I had an aha moment, realizing they were more feminine than I thought.
I began questioning women on the benefits of owning an Apple watch. I even noticed a woman in the Barcelona airport wearing a band that had pearls and rhinestones. Of course, I asked her questions.
She chatted to me happily about how she’s come to rely on her Apple watch. But she said her favorite part was being able to change out the look easily! She opened her handbag and showed me rhinestone squares that fit over the watch to make her Apple watch face dressy! Sweet readers this was a definite serendipity moment. In the large airport who did I sit next to…a woman with an abundance of Apple bands in her handbag!
Connecting the Dots
My close girlfriend Lori and I (with our husbands) were traveling together on this trip. Although she does not own an Apple Watch, she told me we could buy Hermes bands (which I did!). Later on, another woman told me the watch face could be purchased with the Hermes name on the watch itself.

You may not think an electronic purchase would be an example of how to embrace serendipity, but it turned out to be!
An innocent encounter in Chicago a few months prior at the Apple store led to connecting the dots over a month’s time. And now, yes darlings, I now own an Apple Watch.
I took the time to research the unknown. I know it was serendipitous that I sat next to a lady with an Apple watch. However, it was no accident that I pieced together all of the information. I was open to asking tons of questions. I explored all the angles and came to my decision.
Believing in serendipity and following my ‘yellow brick road’ gave me a friend that is literally always by my side.
My Apple Watch helps me lead a healthy life, tracking my progress and keeping me accountable. It allows me to text, and most importantly, I always have a connection to my family, friends, and things I care about.
Did you know that Apple introduced Family Setup which makes it possible to link multiple Apple Watches to one iPhone?
My watch sets a timer, helps schedule my routine and tracks my sleep. It is a ‘dream’ come true and all because I am a believer in taking a Serendipity experience and turning it into reality.
I have not tapped the surface my brilliant and reliable Apple Watch pal does to make my life easier. I am so proud I have taught myself to understand her and I think she is one sexy dame.
Allowing Serendipity to Waltz In
Serendipity appears in all of our lives often. All you have to do is open your eyes to it, learn to trust your instincts, and be a little vulnerable. Force yourself out of your comfort zone and say yes.
Oh, by the way, how many of you have an Apple Watch? I am sure many of you do. For those of you who don’t, I encourage you to purchase one for yourself or a grand or adult child and, if they have their watch, some new bands.
Embracing Serendipity in Past Lives

Even if you don’t believe in past lives, it’s fun to explore and think about how you may have lived. It will encourage you to embrace serendipity in the now.
I don’t know if experiencing thoughts of past lives is serendipity. I don’t know if I believe in past lives, but I am drawn to situations and people and I do believe my past, present, and future coexist. Reincarnation is a possibility but it seems so elusive and unrealistic.
I am open to wonderment because I have certain attitudes out of the ordinary. For example, I think I may have been a Native American Princess, Sunseria. ( I gave myself that name when I was around 9 years old.) I could have been a French woman who started an Enlightenment Salon in the 1800s. Or a Jewish slave who fled Egypt, crossing the desert in 40 years into the land of Israel.
When I was a little girl a group of us played cowboys and Indians in the empty lot across the street from my home in Kankakee by the Sea. I was always Sunseria, an Apache princess. Why?
I am drawn to France and forming women’s groups today (and how built three communities for women on Facebook). I would love to have an Enlightenment Salon. Why? I grew up in Kankakee by the Sea, a Catholic community in a traditional Jewish home but not a religious one.
Come find your supportive community of like-minded women!
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🌷 Join Estranged Mothers and Grandmothers: Millions Strong
Past Life Regression
Are my thoughts past serendipity experiences? I could take this a step further and do a past life regression. Past life regression is a method that uses a form of hypnosis to recover what some believe are memories of past lives or incarnations. Should I? Would you?
Please write to me your thoughts on past lives. Do you believe in reincarnation? I would love to be enlightened on the subject. I am so curious. Would you like me to do a past life regression? Have you? What have your experiences been?
You see how I am taking serendipity a step further? I did with my Apple watch and now I am the owner of one. With your help, you have led me into my past and into an answer.
I will share my entire experience if I go ahead with a past life regression.
How do you open yourself up to serendipitous experiences?
If you enjoyed this story about what nature can bring to your life after 50, please subscribe. You may also enjoy reading: How Happiness is a Choice and How to Choose It.
I love the idea of a past life regression Honey. There was a woman in Manhattan when I lived there who specialized, her surname was Shala Mattingly (if I remember correctly)) I was tempted so many times, but always postponed, then we were sent back to Italy. A person I know did one and discovered her lifelong fear of water, she had drown in 2 of her past lives. Now she can happily swim in pools and the ocean. So it’s also very enlightening and curing. Let us know all about it, if you decide. All the details please.
A friend told me yesterday that she believes we think we could have past lives because our thoughts come from our DNA. But, your story about the person who drowned is daunting and relatable. I will keep you posted. Warmly, Honey
I LOVE my apple watch …. but I need to do more with it ! My NEW serendipitous experience is ALL things MAHJ JONG! Why after many attempts of lessons did this last set of lessons stick?? Instead of focuisng on the WHY.. I choose to focus on how much I am enjoying the game and the interaction with other women, bringing out my grandmother’s set, updating mine with new ALL things MAHJ. Yesterday this happened.. walking down the street in a local town.. decided to wander in one store just to look. The minute inside the door, I knew I had wandered into MY kind of store.. the merchandise, the smell…. and then I came upon a table set up…. ONE of my FAV Mahj Jong online retailers were selling their ALL things MAHJ LOCALLY. I seriously stopped breathing and was SO excited. The woman who worked there could not believe my love.. my passion…but for me.. it was PURE joy ! (I think I should be their local ambassador). Serendipity at its best!
I play Mahjong and actually played yesterday! I am not great but I love the flowers and the jokers and girlfriends. When I win, which is seldom, my friends are happy for me. We play for a quarter. Warmly, Honey
Interesting story today. I always wondered about past lives too. I felt like a lived in Paris in another life. I always loved French singers like Edith Piaf & Charles Aznavour, when most teenagers were listening to the Beatles or Motown, etc. etc. Past live regression sounds intriguing to me.
To me, also. I feel I was a French woman, too. Warmly, Honey
An Apple watch saved my life. ❤️
I am so happy for you. We love Apple. Warmly, Honey