Both of my grandmothers had a positive impact on my life. Darling, I can still hear the laughter of my grandmother on my mother’s side. I see her in her summer home, on the beach in Michigan City, Indiana, preparing fresh corn on the cob in her kitchen, adding a drop of sugar to the boiling water for sweetness. She said this to me as if it were a legendary secret – “Shhh, don’t tell her I’m sharing with you! At times, I still notice things I say and do that I carry with me, and I marvel at her ability to have managed to leave a piece of her behind with me to this day. As a grandmother, there are so many seemingly simple things we can do that will leave a lasting impression on our grands.
The Impressions Left on Me
I lived sixty miles away from my grandmother. I did not see her often, and yet, she holds a big place in my heart and mind. So much so, I was determined to emulate her by leaving a part of my essence with my grandchildren.
A young mother sent me a quote that best describes my feelings on the most important role of a grandmother. It goes like this:
“It is not what you leave your grandchildren when you are dead; it is what you leave them in their head. Your wisdom and your values, Grandma!”
Leaving a Lasting Impression
The question remains, how do we try to be an important part of our grandchildren’s lives and leave a lasting impression when they are so busy and live so far away? My grandchildren live in Arizona, Texas, Indiana, California, and Chicago. Not to mention, I have a busy life as well. Darling, it can be hard to be a grandmother!
I am sad that I am not in the middle of their daily lives, but I have to be creative in finding ways to leave them with “Honey wisdom” and “Honey value builders!” Here are a few things I have done that I hope have instilled a part of me in their minds forever. Maybe you will gather some insight from my doings and do something like this for your grandchildren.
My grandson, Michael, loves the color green. I sent him a green protective cover for his computer. On the card, I wrote: “I know your favorite color is green and I know your computer needs to be cared for. Enjoy the cover, and always take pride and care of your possessions.”
My grandson, Jack, the athlete, and acrobat, has a rock I bought him in the shape of a pyramid. I walked into his bedroom and was surprised to see it sitting on a tray in a primary spot. When I gave it to him I told him, “The rock should remind you to climb your mountain in life with honor.”
My granddaughter, Skylar, has a little fairy that I gave her when she was six. The card read, “This is your personal fairy. Keep her in every bedroom you live in all of your life. She will guard and protect you!” Her fairy sits on her desk. She has kept this fairy with her for over a decade, and it’s still very special to both of us!
How Will You Leave a Lasting Impression Unique to You?
I am creative with my “Honey messages” and small “Honey gifts.” They seem to stick, and hopefully, they continue to as the years go on. I truly feel that I make a contribution to their lives and that is very important to me. And, I know a grandmother can always be in the minds of her grandchildren.
One last note: I text often, call them on their cell phones, Zoom, email, and Facebook with them. Darling, I know my grandchildren love me, respect me, and have learned much from me. That is the gift they have given me, and it truly is priceless!
How did your grandmother leave lasting impressions on you? Let’s discuss this in the comments at the bottom of this page. I would love to hear from you!
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My maternal “Nanny” was the light of my life~ I was the “light” of her life. And we lived 15 min from oneanother. We were connected in every way, right up to the moment she passed away. In those days we came home for lunch, and she was there to sit with me so often ( on her way to play canasta). She was able to monetarily give to me, but in looking back, it was her belief in me, her love for me, her respect for me that left a lasting legacy. She has been my guide in being a “Savti” to the light of my life, a now 17 yr old grand daughter. We have that bond.. that noone had better even think of coming inbetween!
My paternal Grandma was an immigrant. It was different.. and she lived a good hour drive away. But.. my father was her baby (and I suspect her fav) and so I, became her fav as well. I still can smell the fine noodles she would make from scratch for me.. I think in soup? I wish I knew more about her~ and her life before she came to the U.S.
Have a wonderful Thursday. xx
What a charming and wise article about grandchildren. I love that you wrap good values and inspiration in small symbols, gifts or thoughtful actions. Creating a legacy of love and memories. Definitely adding that to Grandma CC idea box.
Thank you.
Cherryll (CC)