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How To Rekindle Your Relationship This Spring

Let’s take a look at how to rekindle your relationship this spring…

How-To Rekindle Your Relationship This Spring

Relationships are fun and exciting, but once they move past the “honeymoon phase,” they can seem more work than play, especially if you and your partner are struggling to feel passionate about one another. Although it’s normal for every relationship to stagnate from time to time, don’t let that become your relationship’s new normal.

If your relationship has hit a wall, here are some tips to rekindle the love this spring.

Address The Issues

If you’re experiencing relationship issues or feel like your relationship is lacking, then don’t fret. It’s normal for every relationship to share its low moments, but what’s important is how your relationships handle those times. If you and your partner are constantly fighting or experiencing tension, then discuss your concerns.

Communication is a key aspect of any happy relationship, and you should never feel afraid to talk about your feelings. Discussing concerns or issues will save your relationship a lot of time in the long run and give each other a better idea of what you both need from the relationship. When approaching the topic, use “I” statements to explain how you feel without placing blame. Remember, your goal is not to establish guilt or make your partner feel bad, but to find a healthy solution and create an open dialogue.

Don’t Forget Intimacy

Physical intimacy plays a prominent role in preserving any healthy relationship. However, maintaining that intimacy is an issue a lot of couples face. There are various factors like work, children, and family life that make it challenging to find a moment of closeness. A lack of intimacy and sex can greatly affect your relationship with one another, causing resentment and insecurities.

If you’re looking to reignite your relationship, start small by leaving them a flirty message that reminds them they are on your mind and build tension. Try changing your daily routine, and incorporate sex more. If you rarely ever initiate sex, then give it a go; your partner will appreciate the effort, which will help break any nervousness.

The importance of kissing and touching in a relationship is often forgotten, but affectionate touch can boost your happy hormones. Be playful in your approach, and remember physical intimacy should be fun, so don’t put much pressure on yourself or your partner to get it right.

Date Again

As any relationship matures, activities like dating take a backseat. This isn’t typically intentional but can have a major role in why your relationship is in a rut. Date night allows you to focus solely on each other while shaking up your mundane routine. If you haven’t had a date night in a long time, suggest implementing a weekly date night to show your commitment to one another and that you care!

If you or your partner are struggling to find time for one another, turn errands into dates. This is an easy way to spend quality time without having to accommodate your busy schedule. But don’t forget to get creative and show some effort; signing up for a virtual cooking class together or having a paint night are fun ideas if you want to have a date night at home. Remember, date night is not about making a grand speculate every week but about making it a thoughtful experience.

Focus On Growth

All relationships hit their road bumps, but you will never achieve a brighter future if you’re focused on the past. You and your partner hold the power over the relationship, so take responsibility on your part and learn to grow with each other. In order to grow, you need to remind yourself why you fell in love in the first place. It can be easy to harp on the negative aspects of your relationship but look at the positive. Making small goals, like spending more time alone or trying a new hobby together, will help keep you both accountable and track your growth.

A relationship is two healthy individuals coming together, so don’t forget to work on yourself. If you or your partner find it hard to find common ground, seek advice from a licensed professional, like couples therapy. If you believe that you might benefit from individual therapy, consider online therapy. Therapy empowers you to develop better communications skills, and learn healthier decision-making skills, all things that can help get your relationship back on track.

Relationships are complicated, and finding that forever person requires time and work, so make sure you’re putting the effort in for someone who is reciprocating your energy. Remind yourself why you fell in love in the first place. Life is constantly evolving, so don’t lose sight of that love, but grow with it.

Did these tips help you come up with ideas on how to rekindle your relationship? Let us know in the comments at the bottom of this page. We want to hear from you!

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April 7, 2021


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  1. Martha W. says:

    Excellent insights and suggestions!

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