Estrangement does not just affect the estranged child and the parent they chose to leave behind.
Are you aware that tens of millions of families are living through a nightmare of suffering and intolerable pain brought on by adult- child estrangement? Probably not because parents living in the midst of estrangement hide their situation due to embarrassment. They feel they failed in their role of solid parenting though in actuality estrangement affects millions of normal mothers and grandmothers. I know because I am one of those mothers and grandmothers. I have spent days living with the pain of rejection and chronic stress even with my extraordinary positive lifestyle, over the past eight years of my life. I have openly shared my trails and woos through my stories and my private facebook group, Estranged mothers and grandmothers – Millions strong and trending 20,000 with the hope of helping other good moms and grandmas come out of hiding, share their stories, and bring this epidemic into the public eye.
I have learned over years of emotional struggle that a good mother and grandmother can never truly say goodbye to her estranged adult child, but she does have the ability to shift her focus to herself and her life’s passions in order to live her best life possible. That is what I have finally been able to do and though my heart aches, I no longer dwell on what I cannot change.
If you know someone who is experiencing estrangement from an adult child, please share this story with them. They are not alone.
The Pain of Estrangement: 8 Years and Counting
As I have written, I am a mother and grandmother who is estranged from her entire family. It is going on the 8th year, and like you, who are estranged from your family, I have suffered unimaginable grief.
I was a good mother. Do I have regrets? Sure. But they pale in comparison to the actions of my daughters who brought their children, my grandchildren into the negative throws of estrangement.
If this story resonates with you, I am sorry that you, too, are going through this pain. Please consider subscribing to my newsletter (click here) where I share more on this topic.
I Love My Children and I Know They Love Me
I know my daughters, to this day, respect me and, in their hearts, love me. To this day, I can’t imagine what led one daughter to act as she did. With no conversation about her displeasure with my actions, she wrote behind my back an email to many members of my family expressing her disapproval with my musings on Honey Good, putting my husband, my ultimate concierge first, my role as her mother, and my role as a grandmother. Obviously, I did not live up to her standards. I bothered her.
She loves to be in the kitchen. I did that as a mother raising my children. As an older woman and grandmother, I preferred taking my grandchildren out for lunch or dinner to interesting places. I don’t care to babysit at night.
I preferred taking them to an interesting movie and then out for pizza to discuss the movie. Or going to the freshwater fish store and buying them a tank and freshwater fish we would choose together and give them names. I am an Auntie Mame type of grandmother. Is that a crime? Obviously, in her mind, it is. Obviously, in my mind, it isn’t.
Motherhood, Remarriage, and the “Camel’s Back” Story

Estrangement is an epidemic plaguing this generation and it is heartbreaking.
Unfortunately, their father passed away at 46 years old. I did not kill him. I remarried my ultimate concierge, and that did not suit my family. Was I not entitled to marry a man of my liking after their father passed away? Obviously, that did not suit their fancy. They preferred a man like their father. Is that a crime to stop talking to a mother? Obviously, in their mind, it is. Obviously, in my mind, it is not.
My daughter disliked my musings. The story that broke the camel’s back was titled “Women Should Empower Each Other.” I wrote about the importance of women complimenting each other. You can read it if you want to. Personally, I think it is a story that has merit. She felt it did not.
All in all, I know I bother her. She does not want me present in her family’s life. She wants me in the background. Out of sight. Out of mind. One day, this will come back to haunt her.
My other daughter is in and out of my life. She has been out of my life for two years. I know she is not happy with the situation.
What Led to Estrangement?
I am giving you my opinions of the whys. I am not certain if they are accurate or if there are more. It is my theory. It is not written in stone. When there is no communication between a good mother and her estranged child(ren) there is not a perfect assessment.
I look back on the years I have lost touch with my grandchildren. We know as good mothers and grandmothers that a good mother is a better grandmother because as we grow older, we grow wiser.
Every child needs their grandmother. I know. I adored my grandmothers and, to this day, carry their teachings in my head and heart. I cringe with sadness at what both daughters have created in their households. And for the longest time, I asked myself, why? How do these situations happen?
This is my answer.
“Without communication during times of conflict, there will never be reconciliation. This problem lays at the doorstep of the estranged adult children, not the good mother: Estranged children do not talk.”
Choosing Acceptance and Moving Forward
Therefore, dear good mothers and grandmothers, the path before us may seem desolate, a stark choice between sinking into despair or swimming towards acceptance. I confess, I sank for a while, navigating the churning waters of disbelief, anger, and grief before finally reaching the shores of acceptance. But remember, this journey is yours, and while mine may offer guidance, it’s not a map you must follow precisely.
Years melted away as I lived in the grip of sadness, tears my nightly companions. Yet, even in the labyrinth of grief, a path to acceptance revealed itself. One day, with renewed spirit and unwavering determination, I declared, “No one, not even my child, has the power to steal my happiness. I will swim like the dolphins, free and joyful!”
Riding the Waves of Acceptance
Before embracing the open seas of acceptance, remember that a personal mourning process is essential. Allow yourself to feel the waves of grief, anger, and disbelief wash over you. Acknowledge them, then let them go.
Once you’ve navigated the storm, commit, as I did, to crafting a life brimming with joy and purpose. Authenticity is your compass, guiding you towards choices that resonate with your true self. Ask yourself:
- What ignites my spark of joy?
- What casts shadows over my heart?
- Who drains my energy, and who lifts me up?
- What actions align with my deepest desires and values?
Let these answers be your north star, guiding you towards a life that truly nourishes your soul.
Embracing Transformation: From Darkness to Sunshine
Shifting Gears
My journey began in the depths of grief, years spent navigating the murky waters of mourning until acceptance finally embraced me. Then, one day, I donned my armor of self-love: vibrant red lipstick, a cloud of Baccarat 540, and a gentle hug for myself. Gazing into the mirror, I declared, “I did my best, and no one, not even my child, will dim my light or belittle me ever again!”
The door to reconciliation remains open, but the choice lies with them. Their loss, perhaps, outweighs mine. Remember, dear mothers, every child needs their mother’s love, a bond that enriches their lives.
Riding the Storm Towards Sunshine
Estrangement casts a dark shadow, but even the heaviest storm eventually surrenders to the sun. After weathering the tempest, what awaits but radiant sunshine, good mothers? Sunshine!
Remember, transformation is a dance, not a straight line. It takes time, energy, and even stumbles. Two steps forward, three steps back – that’s the natural rhythm. I call it “daydreaming into personal renewed growth.”
Embracing your reality will bring peace, a surge of “positive energy” washing over you. Your body will relax, your heart will beat to a different rhythm. You’ve faced the truth, good mother, and that empowers you to take the next step. You cannot change the past, but the future brims with fresh passions waiting to be explored.
Thriving Beyond Survival
Remember, this journey is uniquely yours. My transformation involved accepting reality, leaving the door open for reconciliation, and focusing on my own well-being. Take what resonates, leave what doesn’t, and chart your own course towards a fulfilling life.
The choice is yours, dear mothers and grandmothers. Will you be swept away by the current of sorrow, or will you emerge, like the dolphin, graceful and strong, ready to dance on the waves of your own happiness? The ocean awaits. May you find calm waters and boundless joy in your journey.
You will not just survive, you will thrive. Like the playful dolphin, I navigate life’s currents with my “baggage,” but it no longer weighs me down. No one, not even a child, can extinguish your inner light. Remember, you are a good mother, and so am I. Let us reclaim our lives, filled with joy, purpose, and the roar of a fulfilling future. Amen.
If you, too, have faced estrangement, please share with me in the comments below. It helps us to know we are not alone.
If you enjoyed this story, please subscribe to my email list. Every time I post a new story, you will receive it in your inbox first!

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Yes Honey, I too share your story. It is hard but I always live by their Serenity Prayer. Life is Good if you let God have control of it. Life is hard but God is Good. Thank you for encouraging us good mothers♥️
How sweet you are, good mother. Thank you for your saying. Warmly, Honey
Please join my new private facebook group: Estranged Mothers and Grandmothers: Millions strong
Hi Honey,and thanks to you and other Mom’s & grandma’s who’ve shared they’re situation. I’ve been estranged from my oldest daughter and grandchildren since 2020.
As you know it’s a very painful existence and I feel like I live with a emptiness that can’t be described. Also I just got out of a 5-year
relationship with a narcissist.
I subscribed to your newsletter and hoping to find some applicable way to accept this “estrangement” and not feel so SAD always,through reading your stories.
Bless you
& posts. Bless you, thank you
I think I may have accidentally written my answer to the wrong person. Let me know if you received the one I thought I was writing to you. Warmly, Honey
Hi Honey! I too am an estranged mother of almost 12 yrs. I feel your pain. It is true, the navigation through the grief, upset, and disbelief is certainly a journey. I leave my door open as well… knowing I have less time left then my daughter, it probably doesn’t seem as time sensitive to her. But without communication this is a stagnant situation. I want to greatly thank you for writing this post. As as mothers, ,we feel an embarrassment, or it being a fault of ours. I think it took courage for you to write this and you did it very eloquently. You described the entire process from every angle.. Not being alone going through life’s struggles gives us comfort.
You are one of millions of mothers who are estranged from their adult children. Never be embarrassed any longer. Walk with your head held high. Please join my new private facebook group: Estranged mothers and grandmothers: Millions strong. Warmly, Honey
Hi Honey,and thanks to you and other Mom’s & grandma’s who’ve shared they’re situation. I’ve been estranged from my oldest daughter and grandchildren since 2020.
As you know it’s a very painful existence and I feel like I live with a emptiness that can’t be described. Also I just got out of a 5-year
relationship with a narcissist.
I subscribed to your newsletter and hoping to find some applicable way to accept this “estrangement” and not feel so SAD always,through reading your stories.
Bless you
Hi Mary! Please consider joining my free private FaceBook group: Estranged mothers and grandmothers – millions strong. There are 19,000 women in the group so far and it under a year old. Happy New Year. Warmly, Honey
I have chosen to stop communicating with my son and his family. I got to the point where I refused to be disrespected one more time. I decided that I had shed enough tears and asked my self too many times where I had failed. I wasn’t the best mother but I did my best under difficult conditions and with a poor example from my own family. My son is a grown man and must remain loyal to his own family now which leaves no room for me. I accept this and now am making plans to expand my life with less work, more travel, more creative pursuits and just time to navel gaze if I want. Thanks you for your openness about this disturbing trend with what I see as entitled children.
Thank you for your reply, Joyce. Though difficult it appears you have come to terms with your situation. So, have I but with a tear in my heart. I agree with you that entitlement plays a role but so does high expectations and lack of communication skills. If you have not joined my new private facebook group: Estranged mothers and grandmothers: Millions strong please do. Warmly, Honey
So beautifully written and expressed. To this day I have not processed the loss of a grown daughter. She chose her path during the time I had been caring for her very ill Father. She was in her late 40’s, living in the the UK with her husband while we are living in Canada. I have reached out to her twice to no avail. The reality is I have lost both my husband and an only child and my feelings towards her have been (perhaps intentionally) paralyzed. At one time, we spoke every day and now my heart is empty. I keep hoping I will hear from her one day but it is a false hope. When her Father passed away just one year ago, I did not hear from her which only
intensified the grief.
I am so sorry for your grief. Maybe there will be an answer to reconcile one day. Please consider joining my private Facebook Group: Estranged Mothers and Grandmothers: Millions strong. There are over 90 new members in a week! The problem is epidemic. You are not alone. Warmly, Honey
I am so glad that you and I have reached the point where we chose to be happy, where we don’t let others rule our happiness, which is exactly their intent. I believe the somehow they get good feelings from our hurt and heartbreak. I pray for all those who haven’t reached our point of letting ourselves be happy. Honey, you are helping so many women by letting them know they are not the only ones suffering this dreadful heart break. Thank you, my dear one.
You are so welcome dear one. Have a blessed day. Warmly and in friendship- Honey
I appreciate your assessment that without conversation and honesty, one cannot really KNOW what is the cause of the estrangement with family members. I have learned never to assume ( too often wrong), and if others can’t rise to the level of authentic reveals concerning feelings, there is a roadblock. I hope time will heal these situations.
Thank goodness for time. I do hope so. If you are a mom of estranged adult children please consider joining my private facebook group: Estranged Mothers and Grandmothers: Millions strong. Thank you for your words of wisdom back to me. Warmly, Honey
Honey, this has broken my heart. I have read about trips with your Grans, so had no idea. Daughters and Mothers, especially a strong mother, are interesting dynamics, just as daughter in-laws, which I have and find EXTREMELY Challenging. You have an incredible spirit and point of view. Sad the daughter’s missing special years with you and the loss of time with Grans, unimaginable.. we must accept what we cannot change and move forward, it doesn’t lessen the pain, but helps us navigate life. Your life with “ ultimate concierge “ is a gift . Best wishes, thanks for sharing.
Sharon Zinn
Thank you for your comment. It is a shame. A sad loss of time and togetherness. Warmly, Honey
My daughter has been gone for 3 years. I understand that no response is a response, but I stupidly have a spark of hope every birthday, mother’s day, Thanksgiving and Christmas come and go with nothing but silence. Some times the grief is worse than a death. A death you can grieve and hopefully move forward, but an estrangement is a living death, no closure ever. It’s hard to believe that she is gone, but she is and my heart is broken..
You are not alone. There are hundreds of thousands of mothers and grandmothers in your shoes. This is a silent epidemic. No one is talking because they are embarrassed that ‘their’ child does not want them in their life. You may want to consider joining my ‘private’ facebook group: Estranged mothers and grandmothers: millions strong. The women are at all stages of mourning and comment heavily with one another. Warmly, Honey
Beautifully said, Honey! Thank you. I am starting to recover from the shock. It doesn’t show too much on the outside—most people don’t understand the grief that’s almost like someone died. It’s that devastating. But I am recovering and you and your new group are helping. Thank you!
A loss is a loss. Children who estrange themselves from their mother is a terrible loss. It is like a death with hope. Hope you are feeling much better. Warmly, Honey
I must say, you have the death, with hope absolutely spot-on.
I lost my 15 year old daughter to suicide. There is death, but the hope is not there and it’s the hope that is the killer. It robs us of so much time. My other daughter (the eldest) chose to estrange herself 3 years ago after many years of suffering abuse at her hands. I think she needs to blame me for the loss of her sister. I get it, I really do, but I can’t tell her that because she delights in cutting more and more avenues of communication. The wasted time is unbearably sad to me.
I grieve for my (actually) dead daughter. I grieve for the one who might as well be. By far the hardest to deal with though is the one that dangles hope before me, as she is still alive. Now, as my health is declining, I know I must reclaim what’s
left of my life. I too, am a child of God. I hope and pray and day-dream that one day the estranged daughter might see how she hurts not only me, but ultimately herself. My heart goes out to all you lovely ladies. It is time for us to live our lives because what is happening to us is surely unnatural and very, very wrong.
I am so sorry you lost your daughter. And, I am so sorry you are estranged from your other daughter. Please consider joining my free private facebook group: Estranged mothers and grandmothers: millions strong. The group is only 2 1/2 months old and has over 8,000 members and is growing so fast; unfortunately. And, the moms and grams engaged non-stop. Warmly, Honey
My brother was married 3 times, with 4 different children born,….I have always lived in another state.
The ex wives blamed my mother for things, and now I represent my mother…..who has died. Anyway, none
of the children have any contact with me. I look at facebook pages to see what people are doing. I put everyone in my prayers. My mother was widowed at age 40. She never remarried. My brother remarked some years before he passed that she should have remarried and we would have adjusted. Now that being said this is probably a larger problem among women and maybe a book about this you could write if you interview others. Although my mother and I did not get along on some things. I know she sacrificed for me and I miss her and my grandmother. But we have to go with the future and you gave wonderful advice.
Please join my new private facebook group. Estranged Mothers and Grandmothers: Millions strong. Lots of healthy conversation and a safe haven. I would welcome you. You are right- we do have to go on with our future. Warmly, Honey
I have been estranged from one of my adult children for over 8 years. It hurts to completely drop one of your children from your very existence, but it was a toxic relationship and I felt it was necessary for my best emotional and physical wellbeing. I have accepted his absence…but you can never forget one of your babies. My recommendations to other women facing this situation is to be strong…but also protect yourself and your heart.
Very good advice. Please consider joining my new private Facebook group. Estranged Mothers and Grandmothers:Millions strong. I would welcome you with open arms. Lost of good discussion and a sage haven. Warmly, Honey
I’m so sorry…!…I just passed this on to several dear friends who are in the very same situation, and heartbroken over the estrangement. Like you, they did nothing to warrant this kind of cruelty, but…it happened. I have no kids, but I am also estranged from all of my siblings…I can only imagine how much more painful it is to have the flesh of your flesh, cut you off. Much love to you, and much appreciation for your lack of self-pity and your drive to be positive.
Thank you for passing this on to your friends. Please pass on my new private facebook group on Estrangement: Estranged Mothers and Grandmothers: Millions strong. A few years ago the NYT did an article on Estrangement. 67 million parents were living with estrangment two years ago. Wonder about today. Warmly, Honey
Thank you for telling your story. I’m also estranged from my daughter, it’s been 3 years. A lot of what you wrote really resonates with me. I never received an answer as to why, I love my daughter with all my heart but I’m moving on with my life and doing all the things I love to do. I enjoy reading your newsletter and I look forward to them. From one good mother to another💕
Please consider joining my new private facebook group: Estranged Mothers and Grandmothers: millions strong. It is a place for discussion and exchanging thoughts and a refuge. I am sorry about your situation but I am glad you are doing what you love. Me, too!!!! Warmly, Honey
Hello Honey,
My husband died and I had 2 daughters ages 12 and 15. I worked hard to navigate grief, my children’s grief, working and being a single parent. I was and am a good Mother. Over the years I have had a few dates. I’m lonely. My daughters were not supportive even after many years. I wanted to write and thank you, Honey, for one thing you said that truly changed my world! You said your children, no matter their age, will always see you as their mother. This made me realize that I was expecting them as adults to see me as a woman who needed companionship; however, this was something they would not be able to ever understand. This gave me so much freedom! Thank you, Honey!
I am so happy I was able to help. I have a new private Facebook group now. I don’t know if you need it. It is called: Estranged Mothers and Grandmothers: Millions strong. Have a blessed day. Warmly, Honey
I am unable to find joy when my children have rejected me and accuse me unfairly, of being abusive or just an unfit mother. I cant wrap my head around it, especially since my youngest daughter is a disabled adult, whom I’ve dedicated far too much, and sacrificed even more to help her be “normal”> Now she has estranged me, at age 31.
Hi Lettie. I am so sorry. Please join my private facebook group: Estranged Mothers and Grandmothers: Millions strong.
Absolutely stimulating you are fierce 😊
Thank you. I am a fierce woman for many positive reasons. Here are a few: I am fierce because I am grateful. I am fierce because I am woman. I am fierce because I am loyal. I am fierce because I am worldly. I LOVE that you used the word fierce. It is so powerful and not negative. I am smiling.
I carry a lot of shame about the estrangement from my daughter. I feel people assume I’m a bad mother or I must have done something to warrant the separation from my daughter and grandchild. Your post lifted some of the shame and I resonated with so much. How did you move past the fear of bringing this to light publicly? Did you have any hesitation? I’m not on Facebook for this reason.
Come and join my ‘private’ facebook group: Estranged Mothers and Grandmothers…millions strong. The moms engage constantly. No one will know you are on FB but the group of estranged moms. I do feel uncomfortable that women know I am the mother of an estranged daughters. I do wonder what they think. I move forward because I know who I am…a good mother… and I want to give back to others who are in my situation. By bringing my plight public I have had an outpouring of mothers who are feeling better because they know they are not alone. In 2022 there there were over 60 million estranged parents!!!! It is a silent epidemic. Warmly, Honey
I would be interested in knowing what percent of the children of these parents have engaged in working with a personal therapist. It seems to be a thing with this next generation that everyone needs to talk to a therapist when issues occur vs. in the past when people turned to family and friends to help resolve issues. These therapists only hear one side of “the story” and get a skewed version of events. In attempting to help their clients with their level of “happiness,” they may encourage them to simply break off any relationships that may be causing them issues, rather then trying to work through them. And so many of our children are following that recommended path. I read a book written by a therapist who actually was the victim of a child estrangement himself and suggested this as a possible issue. In my son’s case, I believe that our family estrangement began after he worked with a therapist for a time. We even tried a family therapist but that lasted for only a short time since my son was only interested in sharing his “pain?” and when we tried to express our concerns the therapist discouraged us, indicating that it was not our time and that we had to spend most of the sessions understanding his pain. When we attempted to share our views, my son refused to return. I have 24 nieces and nephews and a fair number of them use therapists. I think this may be some of the root of the problem. I also think that the generations after ours are much more ego-centric and believe only their happiness matters. I have worked in a high school for a number of years and witness this on a daily basis. Our social fabric is deterioriating at the expense of our generation who perhaps did give too much to their children, without teaching them to give back.
You are very wise because every word you wrote holds truth. How we change from a generation of ego-centric young adults to a generation of young adults who enjoy giving back and stop taking is beyond me. Maybe when their children estrange them, (the apple does not fall far from the tree) they will learn. Warmly, Honey
Hi, appreciate all you have to say and your insight. I have 2 adopted kids, love them so much. My son has some mental illness which contributes to his issues, my daughter simply decided she didn’t want me in her life, I still do not know why and she won’t say. I was a good mom, loved them with all my heart. I am moving thru the grief and emerging, albeit with some constant sorrow. Thank you for “being there.” It helps to know someone has not only survived this, but is thriving. Blessings to you!!
Most mom’s don’t know why because communication stops. We all have to go through grief because we have been buried alive and that is a death. It is a long road to recovering from estrangement. We have to live authentically with our feelings – go through the grief – and finally try and surrender to the toxicity and replace it with positivity. Blessings back to you. Warmly, Honey