I'm Honey!

As a woman who has lived through many passages and learned through my larger than life experiences (positive and negative), I’ve discovered how to take a big empowering bite out of life.

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Listen: Honey Good shares how she survived widowhood

Surviving widowhood is a painful, aching journey. I know. I have traveled its path and though it has been 28 years, I can still feel the emotional road I traveled from the day I learned of my late husband’s death to the months it took to survive the loss of a love. Below I’ve linked to a podcast where I recount my journey in my words and I hope you will take some time to hear them. My story,  will hopefully enlighten you with the answers you are seeking or will seek in your future. I pulled myself out from under the depths of despair and back into the living world by going through the process of mourning. There is a definite path one should follow. I know. I took it.

How did my spoken story come to light?

A few months ago, I was approached by Helen Mitternight, a journalist and interviewer, who read my story on the Huffington Post, “How to Survive: Widowhood.” She was enlightened by my words and approached me to share my story with her listeners on her podcast, “Keep it Juicy,” that offers people aspirational and actionable lessons. Her podcast features interviews with women she feels are experts in certain fields of life, after 50.

The interview was not rehearsed and after listening to it a few days ago I knew I wanted to share it with you, darlings, who are going through the healing process of widowhood and for you who have been widows and even for those of you who are blessed to be married to your main squeeze.

My husband, who also was a widower, listened intently and helped me find answers to long-held questions and feelings.

Click here to listen to the podcast.

December 1, 2017

Advice, Podcast

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  1. Marion Bethune says:

    Honey, I am a widow of 3+ years and agree with you 100% on the feelings of losing the love of your life, the center of your universe..I discovered my husband who died suddenly and your thoughts and feelings are exactly how I felt. Now, I am alone but never lonely. I will grieve him till the day I die but I am stronger now and am able to face life with joy. One has to reinvent ones self. Thank you for sharing. God bless.

  2. Toni says:

    OMG,Honey what a wonderful podcast. The grieving process is spot on. I too was a young widower and remarried . After 12 years I’m still having difficulty adjusting emotionally and mentally to a different way of life and marriage. I intend to read the book you recommended .
    Thank you for caring.

    • Susan "Honey" Good says:

      I do care and I am glad you will search for the first edition of the book. Thank you for commenting. It warms my heart. Warmly, Honey

  3. Glenda Frank says:

    I just heard your podcast on widowhood…wish I could have talked to you years ago…it is a pain that never goes away. I too, had 2 young daughters age 4 and 11 at the time, I now grieve for their loss of so many years without their Dad. He missed so much. I made many mistakes, which I now regret but in the end we all ended up happy! If only, I had the insight that you had, but as I said things did work out! I am now happily married to a widower and we have a wonderful life together. My daughters now are in their 40s and they are strong women and the pride of my life. It is pain that never goes away. Thanks again Honey! Glenda

    • Susan "Honey" Good says:

      The past is the past. The present is now. Live in the present. It is a gift. You and your girls and your husband are happy. Revel in the now. We all err. It is part of life. Our lessons. Warmly, Honey

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