I'm Honey!

As a woman who has lived through many passages and learned through my larger than life experiences (positive and negative), I’ve discovered how to take a big empowering bite out of life.

Oh My, Ponder This:








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Moving From Stuck to a World of Yes!

A World of Yes!

One of the conversations that Billy and I have often is how our chosen lifestyle makes us privy to opportunities. We remind ourselves that we take this vista of potential for granted much of the time. But every once in a while, it strikes us how circumstances can be rearranged in the most creative of ways to make a dreary life into one that is extraordinary, a world of yes!

Saying Yes to Life is a different perspective versus digging our heels in for the sake of feeling safe.

We hear from some of our readers about how stuck they feel in the living situations in which they find themselves. Maybe they are in a job for which they have lost enthusiasm, paying for a house that weighs them down financially, or they might be worried to death about the present and future costs of health care. To them, there is no way out to a better, more attractive life.

They feel stuck.

Some of that inability to take action is old fashioned inertia. Feeling stuck is also due to fear or not knowing where to go or what to do differently.  And a portion of that malaise is because maybe they have given up their dream of financial independence – the enthusiasm and hope they had for a better retirement future.

Mexico Pacific Coast

Shake it up a Little

Get radical for a few minutes of active imagination here and see where it takes you.

What if…

You got out from under the perspective you are now holding and did something unexpected.

Like maybe sell your house, rent it out, exchange it for a house caring job across the globe, or go around the world doing house-sitting gigs for months at a time. There are gorgeous mansions, lovely country homes, or efficient city apartments in exotic places like Japan, Italy, France, Switzerland, Costa Rica, San Francisco, Tucson, or Vancouver. You could have your choice of staying a few weeks in a certain house-sitting commitment or you could make a long-term pledge to look after a home for a year or more. Yes, we have seen these astonishing offers!

Miss your garden or having pets of your own? Some of these house-sitting openings have organic gardens to tend, horses to ride, a silly cat to look after or an affectionate dog to accompany you on long walks through forests or on the beach.

Some home owners wish to sublet their summer home while they are enjoying their winter home thousands of miles away. We just looked at a fully furnished sublet in gorgeous Panajachel, Guatemala, which offered volcano and lake views, had indoor/outdoor living, two fireplaces and was only a 10-minute walk from town. With cable TV, internet, all utilities, gardener and a maid, we were looking at paying $300 a month.

That has to be cheaper than your current mortgage, and these sorts of deals are everywhere.

Fear of Boredom

What about entertainment? How do you keep yourself from being bored if you are outside the familiar?

If you equip yourself with digital gadgets so you are able to read Kindle books, watch movie downloads, and get the latest news via the Internet, you are not limited to any location around the world. Want to bone up on your language skills or cooking abilities? Living a few months in Tuscany would offer you access to practicing your Italian and taking a local cooking or painting class. Or maybe you would be interested in an archaeological dig in Crete or living among the moneyed in Mirabella, Spain?

To learn survival phrases in the local language, download a free travel language guide by World Nomads and learn basic travel phrases in any of 25 languages to get you started on your global tour. Step into a whole new experience for yourself.

What about health care?

We have always taken advantage of the local health care in most countries where we visit. It is affordable in many nations, but if that topic makes you nervous, then supplement your “going naked” approach by taking out travel insurance through IHI (International Health Insurance) or World Nomads so that this category of your life is covered.

Why limit your whole approach to life and the making of an incredible future just because of one piece of the puzzle?

Lake Atitlan Guatemala

Strangling Perspectives, Paradigms and Mental Positions

It’s true that overturning paradigms can be a fearsome task, especially if you or a loved one holds a stubborn perspective. But if you want to escape from a strangling position and open up to a panorama of opportunities for learning, giving-and-receiving, and living a style of life that is less cumbersome, breaking out is not impossible.

Blow those negative, self-limiting viewpoints to smithereens! Why should we allow fears or mental pictures hold us back from a life of self-fulfillment?

Will living affordably in gorgeous places around the world suit everyone?

Of course not.

But for those whom this idea appeals to, you will be able to create a wondrous lifestyle, one that continuously opens to even more possibilities and personal expressions.

How do I know this works?

From living on the sugar plantation island of Nevis, West Indies, sailing on a triple-masted sailing vessel through tropical Caribbean islands, spending years in exotic Asia, all the way to living with the ancient Maya peoples in Central America, we have experienced it firsthand.

We don’t need any convincing.

How about you?

About the Authors

Billy and Akaisha Kaderli are recognized retirement experts and internationally published authors on topics of finance, medical tourism and world travel. With the wealth of information they share on their award winning website RetireEarlyLifestyle.com, they have been helping people achieve their own retirement dreams since 1991. They wrote the popular books, The Adventurer’s Guide to Early Retirement and Your Retirement Dream IS Possible available on their website bookstore or on Amazon.com.

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March 19, 2018


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