I'm Honey!

As a woman who has lived through many passages and learned through my larger than life experiences (positive and negative), I’ve discovered how to take a big empowering bite out of life.

Oh My, Ponder This:








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The perfect Mother’s Day gift doesn’t cost anything

I am watching the sunrise in my apartment in the sky, appreciating the silence surrounding me and thinking, with joy, how much I am looking forward to Mother’s Day and thinking about the best Mother’s Day gift.

I do have a tinge of sadness that my daughter, Jenny, and my daughter-in-law Jami will not be with me because of the miles, but I have no doubt I will hear from them.

I will celebrate Mother’s Day with my Chicago family including, my irresistible and captivating mother. How special is that?

I am sitting in silence thinking about the most perfect Mother’s Day gift my daughters have given me and I have given my mother. 

The best Mother’s Day gift is the gift of love.

 Happy Mother’s Day to all of you, darling mothers.

In honor of the day, I am sharing below some of my favorite stories about my mother and the relationships of mothers and daughters:


The last time my mom and I were together was on December 10. The next morning, Shelly, Orchid and I left Chicago for our home in California. When we part, my mom and I never say “good-bye.” We say “so long.” Actually my mom is always with me because in most ways, I am my mother’s daughter!

I am reflecting on how we differ. I think it is important to take from our mothers what we love about their persona and toss aside what we don’t embrace. And I have.



In the sweet drift before sleep each night, my mind sifts through memories until it settles on something definitive.  Last night was no different. I was trying to recall a special Mother-Daughter Good Morning Story to write for Mother’s Day.

My whirling thoughts reminded me of my old rolodex as I searched for one of my favorite memories. I have thousands of these stories stored in my mind. Fortunately, I add more and more because I am blessed to have my ninety-four-year-old mother.

Through all of our high hills of laughter and our potholes, when we stopped talking, our Mother-Daughter bond is unbreakable. The chemistry between my mother and me is fierce and no matter how angry I have been with her there has never been a time I did not pick up the phone and call my mother and say, “Please let’s not argue. I am sorry this is happening between us.”

The reason: My mother is the most important woman in my life.  I love and respect her unconditionally.



As you know, I draw my Good Morning Stories from my past experiences. I begin searching my mind, days before I put my fingers on the keyboard, for an eventful experience that has had a profound, loving or funny impact on my life. I was planning on writing a delightful mother-daughter story about my daughter and myself, but after spending the past week with my mother, I decided I would backtrack. Instead, I’m going to tell a story that took place a few years ago which also relates to a recent conversation with my mother regarding her insights and wisdom.

The mother-daughter relationship is complicated. Most have hills and valleys. My relationship with my mother was no different. My mother was very strong and controlling and I was not a meek, shrinking violet by any stretch of the imagination. That is not to say I was disrespectful. I honored my parents. I just had my vision of who I was. My mother, on the other hand, had her vision of who I should be.

As I matured into adulthood, I was sure I was not a clone of my mother. I was my own woman. As it turns out, at my mother’s 90th birthday party luncheon, with 50 women in attendance to include friends, granddaughters, nieces and a daughters-in law, I came to realize that “I was my mother’s daughter!”


Have a fantastic Mother’s Day and remember the best Mother’s Day gift is the gift of love.

Honey Good's signature

May 5, 2017

Passages After 50, Relationships

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