If your life is filled with Hoopla, you should strive to be closer to nature.
I remember my father telling me during one of our talks that when he was a little boy, before heading off to school, he would take his shoes off and walk in the grass on a golf course while the dew was still fresh on the ground. He loved the feeling of the wet grass on his bare feet.
As a child, he loved nature, and that passion continued into his adult life. During another conversation we shared, he told me he wanted to buy a farm and be a gentleman farmer. However, my mother would have none of that. Therefore, my father’s dream was always just that, a dream.
I always feel a sadness creep over me when I think about the fact that he did not live out his dream, but he did live to see his daughter take after him. I am my father’s daughter and I have a deep love of nature. Those who intertwine nature and hoopla are fortunate women after 50.
A Nature Lover’s Lifestyle
Nature lovers are in touch with their spirit, their soul and their inner, ethereal, otherworldly self. Their lifestyle is very much affected by nature. For instance, they may be racing to an appointment and stop to notice new buds on a tree or new flowers sprouting up out of the ground. They don’t hesitate to slow down and allow a calm, peacefulness to engulf them.
So when unexpected or annoying hoopla rains down on them, they tend to recover faster than others who are more rigid because they don’t see everyday situations simply as black or white. Rather, they have the capacity to let their mind bend, like a tree. They are flexible and adaptable, and once a crisis has passed, they allow themselves to feel gratitude.
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My Own Experience with Nature and Hoopla
Such was my case in a grocery store parking lot one time. It was the day of the Academy Awards. I drove to the market, in what I felt was plenty of time to shop, put the groceries away, fed my pooch, showered and dressed for an awards party. We were due at 4:30pm.
But prior to that, upon finishing up at the market, I got to my car and had trouble opening the trunk. Instead of getting upset, I put the bags of groceries into the back seat of my car, which was no easy task because at the time I had a two-seater sports car. I then got into my car and put the key into the ignition but could not turn my key.
This was not unusual, however, because it had happened before, so I knew the wheel was locked and if I simply turned it, the wheel would unlock. This had happened a few months ago, and I phoned, who else, but my ultimate concierge, who talked me through the process. It immediately worked and I drove home.
This time I could not unlock the steering wheel. I noticed a young couple getting out of their car and asked them to help me. It was very hot outside, and I was wearing a black sweater, so I was beginning to overheat. The young man got into my car, and he could not unlock the steering wheel either. He then went on Google to see what to do, but nothing worked! I thanked him, and then proceeded to call my ultimate concierge.
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Sometimes You Must Laugh at the Hoopla
“Shelly, I cannot start the car. It is the same problem I had a few months ago. Also, I noticed I cannot pop the trunk. Please come and help me. I need you.”
“What market did you go to? Okay, I will be right there. Just stay calm.”
“I will stay calm. Drive safe. Don’t rush. Just a little unexpected hoopla.”
He started to laugh, and then he said, “Why do these things always happen to you? I guess because you can handle them.”
“Drive safely. Love you,” I replied.
I sat in the car waiting when all of a sudden I heard a voice. It just happened to be my girlfriend, Gail, who said, “Why are you sitting in my car? How did you get in here?”
I almost fell out of the car. “What do you mean, your car? This is my car!”
“Your car is four cars down! I noticed it when I drove into the parking lot,” Gail replied.
“Darlings, sometimes you just have to laugh at the absurdity of life. We all have our share of “hoopla,” and thank God or life would be so boring.” — Honey Good
“Oh my goodness, no wonder I could not start the car. It is your car. I cannot believe the car company would let my key fit into your ignition!” I exclaimed.
“I have to call Shelly. He is on the way to help me unlock the steering wheel in a car that is not really my car,” I said to Gail. We couldn’t help but start laughing.
Darlings, Gail and I had the exact same car model, color, and hubcaps, as well as Illinois plates.
But Shelly had already left, so when he arrived, he helped me take all of my groceries out of Gail’s car and loaded them into my car. He was 100% understanding and just shook his head. “Only you could this happen to,” he said again and began to laugh. I laughed, too.
Driving home, I thought to myself, there is so much hoopla in my life. I must pay more attention. I never thought to look at my license plate to make sure it was my car.
And then I thought to myself, “What if I had been sitting in a stranger’s car, with my key in his or her ignition?”
Embrace the Hoopla
Darlings, sometimes you just have to laugh at the absurdity of life. We all have our share of “hoopla,” and thank God or life would be so boring. But we should stop and smell the roses when the hoopla gets us crazed.
If you look around you and appreciate nature, you may just feel your body and mind relax, and then you won’t help but feel grateful. And remember, a grateful woman is a happy woman at any age, but especially after 50.
Do you have any funny stories of hoopla in your life? Please tell your tale in the comments!
Oh Honey, how funny! That sounds like something I would do!
Thanks for sharing, certainly keeps life interesting!
Well! I did it for you!! LOL. Warmly, Honey
Oh Honey you write so well, Not surprised you have a book deal. Loved this post! I have fun reading what you write. Awesome!
Hi Holly! Thank you for your sweet words. Warmly, Honey
Oh, Holly thank you so much. Warmly, Honey
Thank you very much, Holly. I am so appreciative. Warmly, Honey
Dear Honey,
What a delightful story! My daughter did the same thing. It was a story to remember and yes laugh about.
Thank you for some cheer today. Oh and I agree… nature is the most spiritual and calming place to be.
I love nature just for your reasons.I will add beauty. Warmly, Honey
I love Nature. It enchants me and brings peace and joy to my life. And so does hoopla. We have to add laughter and adventure, etc. to our lives, too. Warmly, Honey
Your story brought back the unforgettable memory of when one of my friends took me out to celebrate my birthday. Upon leaving the restaurant, we returned to “her car” which she attempted to unlock several times. A male patron also returned to the parking lot and offered to help. However, after several tries, he too was not successful. A short while later my friend realized it was NOT “her car”! For all of the laughing that ensued, it was a wonder that we made it home safely.
Needless to say we didn’t tell our husbands for several years and to see the shock on their faces when we did, was almost as good as the original experience. I wish my friend was still with us so that I could share your story with her, but “thanks” for sharing as I enjoyed a few outloud chuckles by myself. Life is good!
I am glad I brought back a happy memory and that you were able to once again laugh at mine. I am sorry you lost your friends. Warmly, HOney
Glad you are still laughing. I am, too. Thank you for sharing your story. Warmly, Honey
This funny story made me laugh first thing this morning! What a very good way to start the day. Thanks for sharing. I am enjoying all your stories and appreciate your point of view.
It is so nice to wake up happy and laughing. Thank you for the compliment. I am glad you are with me. Warmly, Honey
thank you so much, Ginny. I appreciate you for your kind words. Warmly, Honey
That happened to me !!
We are all still laughing about it!!
It seems this has happened to many of us. I did not know. LOL. Warmly, Honey
We are, too. Warmly, Honey
I am turning 70 years old on Saturday. I have been told by friends my entire life that I do not look my age. I am thankful for great genes, but I still sometimes wonder who that person in the mirror really is… I have been on many sites for older adults, but I keep coming back to your site. Holly says it in a wonderful way-“you write so well”. I always read your entire post, I’m never bored with whatever you say. I love it that you freely thank God for so many things. This is a refreshing change. I also had a similar experience concerning cars. I was also at the grocery store (I think we get involved in the correct foods for our families), came out with my groceries and opened my car door–only it was NOT my car! I totally shocked the lady sitting behind the wheel. I was actually pretty surprised myself!
My husband and I are laughing at your car story. Thank you for reading my entire story. I am most appreciative and I am glad you are with me. Warmly, Honey
Your story is so like mine. All four of us were surprised. Thank you for enjoying my musings. I am touched. Warmly, Honey
Pat, Thank you for your kind words and short story. And, thank you for reading my musings. Warmly, Honey
Loved your story and you had me laughing at 6:30 am while reading it. I to get such peace in nature. I am also growing a garden and working outside in the garden with nature just releases the intensity of what is going on in the world and the hoopla in my life. Thanks!
I am laughing because you were laughing!! It is good to laugh and garden. Warmly, Honey