Perhaps I am partial, but I do believe today’s contributor is my favorite of all time. Today’s story comes to you from the desk of my beloved pooch, America Good. I hope it brings you joy, darlings!

America is with me for everything, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Lately, relationships of all types have been on my heart. Relationships with our families, romantic partners, cultivating female friendships, and even relationships with people that are not always easy to love. I would be remiss if I did not discuss one of my life’s most rewarding relationships, my darling friendship with my adoring pooch. America makes my heart sing. He spends many of his waking hours with me. He is always at my side as I write my daily musings on — so I consider him my partner. I thought it would be fun for you to read a blog written by the one and only America Good this morning.
*Affiliate Disclosure
Good Morning to All of My Mistress’s Readers,
My name is America Good. I am a Soft-Coated, 32 pound, Wheaton Terrier. My mistress, Honey Good, wants me to look very handsome so she keeps my coat in a Wheaton Cut. You could say I am one masculine Wheaton with a loving heart, especially for my mistress. I am her Romeo. She is my Juliet.
I just turned three and I am a city guy! Some things that I love are the sounds of the city and its high energy. Also, living in a high-rise building on the 71st floor. It overlooks the beautiful city of Chicago and Neiman Marcus where I shop with my mistress!
Riding the elevator four times a day for my walks is fun because everyone pets me. They tell me I am handsome and have a great personality. I am a people-person pooch and I respond to all humans with a wagging tail and tons of licks. It’s not bragging when I tell you I am one of the favorite pooches in our building. Everyone tells me, including my master and mistress, that, “Everybody loves America.”
You probably did not know that the average dog understands 165 hundred words. Smarter-than-average can learn 250 and beyond! And I am not average (I loved this book about the genius of dogs)! So I pick up on what is going on!
One thing is certain, I lead a very full life. And believe me, not a “dog’s life.” I find that phrase very insulting!
I have many dog friends as well as people friends. Many happy hours are spent outdoors in the park with other pooches and my mistress. My mistress and I window shop and stop in at the doggie store for new toys. Toys that make noise when I squeeze them, are my favorite.
So Much To Do!

I love going out on the town with my mistress!
Being a city guy, I know how to ride up and down the escalators and am a pro at riding in all elevators. I go into shops with my mistress and I now know the sales girls, who admire me.
Read about my mistress’s favorite things to do in our beautiful Chicago!
When it’s nice out I also lunch with my mistress at little outdoor cafes! Being a service dog, I fly with my master and mistress! I love the hustle and bustle of airports, the Admiral’s Club, and the sound of the airplane engine.
My mistress tells me that her Wheaton, Orchid Good, used to lay at her feet and sleep and only to get up for water. Not me. I have to sit on my mistress’s lap and snuggle or look out the window. The passengers cannot believe my perfect behavior and the flight attendants want to take me home!
“Between you and me, I know how to woo my mistress.” — America Good
I consider myself a very knowledgeable dog because I am exposed to life! You could say I have the “GOOD” fortune to be my mistress’s co-partner at! We blog together daily. No matter where she is writing, I am always by her side as her sounding board. She talks to me and I can sense her every mood and thought. Recently, she bought me a cozy bed for the office with a pillow to rest my head on that says, “I love you.”
If her voice sounds happy I am happy. When I sense that she is thinking too hard, I kiss her several times and feel her body relax next to mine. And if I hear an overjoyed voice, I wag my tail. She always takes her time to leans over and rubs my head, back, and tummy and tell me that she loves me to the moon.
You will enjoy my mistress’s story, The Key to Understanding the Emotions of Your Dog. (She gets me!)
A Little About My Background

It’s not only my mistress who adores me, my master loves me to the hilt! I’m a lucky pooch!
I was born in Florida and have 10 brothers and sisters. My first set of parents are reputable and well-educated members of the Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier Club of America. The SCWTCA is dedicated to the preservation of my siblings and me. That was my first stroke of luck. My second stroke of luck was that they chose my master and mistress to be my lifelong parents! I was born under a lucky star!
I know from listening to my mistress that my third stroke of luck was that I didn’t remind her of Orchid. Orchid was my mistress’s first beloved, who passed away. Listening to her talk about her beloved Orchid, I knew I had a lot to compete with. My mistress had an all-consuming devoutness to Orchid. So I made a wise decision…I had to be me!
It worked like a charm.
Fortunately, after I learned more English words, I would overhear her speaking to my master. She would say that she felt blessed that I did not remind her of Orchid. Obviously, I did not look like Orchid! For one, I am a guy and Orchid was stunning and very girly. I am all male and a lover.
I know my mistress loves me!
One day I heard her say she cherished me as much as she had loved Orchid. To say I was happy would be an understatement. Between you and me, I know how to woo my mistress.
You see I fell in love with her the moment I met her. She smiled down on me and her gentle hands lifted me up into her arms. She didn’t hold me, she hugged me to her and whispered in my ear. I loved the scent of her perfume and even her smooth breathing. Immediately I knew she would be my Juliet and I would be her Romeo.
I love my master, but I am in love with my mistress! It can’t be helped. It was love at first sight and my love for her has grown. My master isn’t too jealous though because he is happy for my mistress.
Simply put, I lead the life of a king! I am surrounded with love. Our home life is filled with all sorts of energy. There is always something taking place so I am never bored. My mistress’s two assistants come daily, Amazon packages arrive often more than once a day.
And there are always issues that arise.
Last week the disposal leaked so I learned how to put in a new disposal. The microwave had to be replaced because the top cracked. Then the plastic rollers on the top shelf of the dishwasher broke. They are still being made so my master did not have to buy a new dishwasher! I listen to everything because I learned from my mistress to have a curious mind.

Getting snuggled by my mistress while my master looks on. Par for the course around here!
And, the conversations in our home are nonstop. I listen to my mistress discuss her disgust with life in Elsewhere and her fear for our Country. We are both true patriots and I am proud that my name is America!
My mistress tells me she named me America because Americans make our Country great, not politicians. Besides talking about the news around the world, my parents discuss the top series on Netflix and the novels they are reading. Also our family, travel, friends, etc. I am constantly entertained by conversation!
So much so that by the end of the day…
I am so stimulated I can’t wait to get into bed around 10:00 PM with them. I am exhausted! When I crawl into bed, I place my body between my master and mistress. Because, after all, I am a little jealous of my master’s adoration for my mistress. Of course, he moves me. I must admit I don’t take the move lightly.
My mistress and I are like hand in glove. We both have positive attitudes and see our glass half full. Both of us are high-energy and loving. And we like people and all pooches. For our own reasons, we love the outdoors. Me for peeing and meet-ups with other pooches, and my mistress for her love of nature. We especially love our alone time because we are lovers in a sense.
I see my role as my mistress’s anchor. She knows that I am very protective of her and like her Ultimate Concierge, I want to fill her cup each day with joy. My one thousand licks a day and my wagging tail tell her she also fills mine. And, that is why we are partners through and through!
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Beautifully written, America! You are certainly one very lucky Wheaten Terrier and your mistress is very lucky to have such a loving boy as you. What a wonderful life you have, with all the love you give to your family and they give to you. This was a very pleasant surprise to hear from you and hopefully, we will hear from you again sometime.
Take care….be safe…..stay loving!
Dear Ms.Violet… I am becoming a much better writer since I took up journaling to find my voice! I am lucky, blessed and grateful to have my mistress and she tells me everyday how blessed she is to have, her boy! Have a very nice day, Ms. Violet. Licks, America
I enjoyed America’s words about his wonderful life
I am smiling! I am so glad you did!! Warmly, Honey
I am smiling! Thank you. Licks, America
America, thank you for sharing about your life with us. You know our pets are our children too. I remember when your mistress got you. I think she didn’t think she would ever love another dog as much as she did Orchid, but you certainly did change that in a hurry. I told her every dog was an individual in there own right and that loving you would not take away the love she had for Orchid. You are so blessed to have each other.

I read your comment to my ultimate concierge, LuAnn, because it touched my heart. he was touched, too. You cannot imagine how much he adores, America. I hope you are well and ‘accepting at this point what you are unable to change.’ You are an upbeat and wise woman and I admire you. Warmly, Honey
Thank you very much for your loving note, Ms.LuAnn ( my mistress taught me manners!) I am my own pouch with strong values and thoughts ( my mistress taught me the importance of self respect) so I see Orchid and me walking side by side; no competition. As for feeling blessed…I feel gratitude beyond! Have a nice day Ms. LuAnn. Sending licks across the miles, America
Thank you America for such a great blog post. You are a handsome gent!
I will pass your message on to my handsome boy. Thank you for enjoying his message. Warmly, Honey
I adore all this about America and it being his own thoughts. I remember Orchid and what a difficult time it was for you when she had to leave you. One never takes a others place but is always his or her very own individual. Thank goodness for America. When Skylar had to leave I thoughtI would not get another. That lasted about a month. We are now owned by Serenity, a beautiful Bullmastiff girl and my baby and protector.
I think we pay a compliment to Orchid and Skylar when we decide to bring another pooch into our lives. It explains how happy our pooches made us and the reason we cannot be happy until we bring home another pooch.I am happy for you. Thank you for being happy for me. Warmly, Honey
Thank you America for letting us get to know you. I have seen you before and was surprised as we have 3 Wheatens of my own, 2 of which are show dogs and are member’s with SCWTCA as well. You are a very Special breed, glad your Mom is sharing you with us! We can see you are very loved by your Mistress. Thank you again for blogging with your lovely Mistress.
Aren’t we so lucky, Barb. What are your pooches’ names? Please send a photo. I will show them to America. He sends licks to your Wheatens. I send smiles. Warmly, Honey
What insights does America’s perspective provide into the strong bond between pets and their owners?
America’s kindness to me and his awareness of my feelings… without saying a word… is worth his weight in gold. He puts his head in my lap, he wags his tail, he kisses my nose, he puts his paw on my shoulder when he is sitting next to me, he jumps up on me with wet kisses and a baggy tail when I open the door and chases along with me when he know I am going to leave the house so he can come with me. His love for me is unconditional and total. Warmly,Honey.
If I hear her voice filled with joy, my tail starts wagging uncontrollably. I can feel the happiness radiating from her, and it makes me feel joyful too.
Thank you. Sending licks- America.