I'm Honey!

As a woman who has lived through many passages and learned through my larger than life experiences (positive and negative), I’ve discovered how to take a big empowering bite out of life.

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My Midlife Remix: How Social Media & Dog Rescue Were Exactly What I Needed


Today’s story was written by Stacey Birch, who helps midlife women with their own midlife remixes by getting them grooving on Instagram. I loved reading how she literally upended her life and “remixed” it at the age of 50 (that means you can, too!). Age is nothing but a number, so do not use it as an excuse to stay stuck. You can bloom in life after 50. Enjoy, darling!

At age 50, I decided it was time to take a chance on me, and rewrite my story. I took my passion for pups, margaritas and the gram (aka Instagram) and turned them into a complete and total midlife pivot. So, I moved to Tulum, Mexico, to start anew, healed myself through dog rescue, and launched a thriving social media biz.

I didn’t plan on setting such audacious goals for my fiftieth. Starting my own business, moving to Mexico, and becoming an integral part of Help Tulum Dogs, was definitely not on this gal’s radar. But I had what folks like to call the ‘midlife itchies,’ a yearning for something more. 

My Midlife Turning Point

I remember sipping on a glass of vino one evening and wondering if this was all there was. And no I wasn’t talking about wine, I was thinking about life.

This single mom was a career bartender, and “here’s your beer, Bob,” had long ago lost its luster. My only joyous moments were Nordstrom, the Charlotte Tilbury counter ,and my nightly wine.

I’d started scrolling IG nightly, searching for my next escape. Well, one evening during said scroll I saw a place in Bali offering scholarships to a Social Media Marketing bootcamp. I decided what the heck, and submitted my application by writing a story about why I should win.

And tada!!! I actually won

I didn’t even know what a social media manager was, I didn’t know how to copy and paste, I had the computer skills of a toddler at best.

BUT I was open to the possibilities this could bring.

Feeling Lonely and Invisible as a Women Over 50? Here’s What to Do About It

Teaching an “Old Dog” New Tricks

Off to Bali I went. At first I was a bit daunted, being surrounded by much younger digital nomads. Soon, though, all I saw was inspiration in this whole new world that had been opened up to me. And after weeks of case studies, photoshoots, and projects, it hit me, you can teach an old dog new tricks.

Ok now let’s get to the dogs.

Not too long before my Bali blessings, I’d been on a trip to Tulum, Mexico. This hot boho beach destination was nothing like I’d expected. Everywhere I looked there were dogs in desperate need of food and care. I literally spent the first day bawling, biking around feeding strays. Once my hotel realized my tears weren’t tequila induced, they suggested I hook up with Help Tulum Dogs, I immediately got in touch and became a “flight angel” for them. 

Flight Angel: At no cost to you, you fly pups to the U.S or Canada to their fur-ever homes!

So, what does a dog loving gal do now that she has all her new social media smarts?! Well, realizing I could now work from anywhere, I contacts the rescue to see if they need a hand aka, “Can I come stay with you?”

Well, I got a big fat yes and we agreed on three months. That seemed like an easy leap to take, three months in Tulum, Mexico, and I’d be doing some good. This was the perfect fit as I’d recently lost my 18 yr old yorkie during lockdown and was beyond desperate to get out of my depression den.

My Time in Tulum

When I first arrived, I used my own Instagram page as one heck of a business card (If you’re a new business and are lacking social proof, you can use your own transformation as a testimonial).  Thankfully, the clients rolled in, from photographers, fitness coaches, podcast hosts, and even a Mermaid. Figuring out how to be a brand new entrepreneur wasn’t easy, but I did learn that everything is indeed figureoutable

I also got a gig assisting a photographer on shoots. That was huge in helping me to learn and grow in the content creation department. Plus, racing around Tulum creating stunning images was definitely not a shabby way to spend the day.

My other days were spent doing boots-on-the-ground dog rescue. Where I resided there were 20 plus dogs at any given time, I truly have lost count at how many I’ve fostered. Help Tulum Dogs does rescue, rehoming, community outreach, and the all-so-very-important sterilization clinics. We did spay and neuter campaigns all over the Yucatan Peninsula. 

Dog rescue is indeed the biggest adventure I have ever had. I played with children and monkeys in Mayan villages, did mass clinics sterilizing over 300 dogs in a weekend, and saved so so many from the streets. My heart has never been both so full, yet so broken all at once. 

The Best Thing About Midlife Transformation? You Never Stop Growing

Four years in now and it’s bonkers how much I have grown and learned. I found out compassion fatigue is a thing and am currently taking a mini rescue hiatus with my new rescue pup Debi in the mountains of Mexico.

And after helping dozens of women in the online space for years, I realized the ‘done for you’ format doesn’t always align. I’m now going more of the way of the old adage of  ‘teach a man to fish.’ Social Media has changed and to stand out now, we need you. You are and will always be, the secret sauce.

Embrace the Privilege of Aging!

So whether you’re trying to show up for your business, to share your passions, or to just create one heck of a digital diary, I support that. We need more grown faces on Instagram, in magazines and stages speaking. Representation matters. It’s super important for women to see other women, in bodies and faces like theirs, thriving.

So if you’re on the fence about this whole social media thing, just know it was the game changer for me. By showing up and putting myself out there I was able to win a social media scholarship to Bali, gain clients for my new biz, raise money for dog rescue, and to make the midlife connections I was so craving.

And along the way I discovered that with this crazy app, you can inspire ALL ages to embrace the privilege of aging!

Stacey Birch helps midlife women with their own midlife remixes by getting them grooving on Instagram.  She has a community that helps you to be seen, supported and celebrated on IG. Join the Grown Gals Gang by signing up here website  and to find out about her upcoming Mexico retreats, give her a follow on  Instagram. 

August 6, 2024


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