I know women need women, especially after 50. Gathering thousands of women after 50 from all walks of life on the new Honey Good website premiering September 6, 2022, is my dream come true. Seriously, I get an adrenaline rush.
I know I sound dramatic when I say, “my cup runneth over, but it does. And I am thrilled and proud to be the consummate hostess and the gatherer.
My intention is to create a gathering place for women to bloom: to engage with me and others, to realize their self-worth and potential. To help women understand their problems are grey, not black and white. To come to learn that their style represents their biography.
The new site will have exclusive tips, encouraging stories, helpful resources, and surprises.
Today I’d like to write to you about the theme of my new site: Celebrate Life. Such upbeat words to live by. Yes, I know that life is not always a bowl of cherries – it can be a chaotic circus. But with a positive attitude, you will walk on the sunny side of the street by making lemons into sweet lemonade. That is my message on the new Honey Good site, Celebrate Life.
First and foremost, Celebrate Life will be about you. I will coax you with my storytelling into realizing things about yourself you never understood before. In addition, I will spin out my authentic stories on topics that interest you, such as beauty and style. My mission is to inspire you to see the glass half full and teach you that every one of your problems does have a positive solution.
Moreover, this is your time to shine – to Celebrate Life. After all, I have earned my Ph.D. in life. I have been there…done that, as the saying goes, and my heartfelt desire is to share my thoughts with you.
You see, I am a gatherer. I have always collected, and my new dream, soon to become my reality, is to gather women around me and each other. In addition, I’ll be adding an Enlightenment Salon, a gathering place. I plan to open my Salon ( Don’t you love the word, Salon?) in October. The Salon will be filled with surprises. I have no doubt that surprises will pique your intellect and your fancy.
We will share space with others, some strong and others struggling with unresolved situations. However, one thing that we share, we all want to Celebrate Life… together.
How Can We Bloom When We Feel Everyday Is Thursday
The last few years of horror with the Chinese Virus and Woke agenda have taken a toll on me. I have allowed the negativity of these world events to cloud my lifestyle. Life in Elsewhere had me ‘stuck!’ I lacked my usual energy level, I lacked my la de da love of life; I did not see these world event problems as grey.
Man’s inhumanity to his fellow man baffled me. I was an innocent victim being robbed of daily joy by my government’s actions. I felt betrayed, scared, sorry for Americans caught in the cross hairs, angry, and at times, because reality is truth, hopelessness set in. The worst part of my dilemma, I felt like every day is Thursday!
I felt burdened by the events taking place outside my beautiful and loving condo-in-the sky. I saw my beautiful Chicago with empty shopfronts, potholed streets, and neighbors afraid to venture out on a walk or drive their cars for fear of being carjacked! My city was beginning to look and feel like Moscow in1990.
I was heartsick. I felt trapped in my own Country, a country I adore.
You see, I get stuck, like you.
Take a deep breath and recharge your artillery of positives.
- Be a woman of action rather than a woman of inaction: You know the feeling of passivity; it is stifling.
Check out your alternatives. Stay busy. Set a goal for yourself to work towards. Goals give hope. - Be a woman who is fearless rather than a woman who lives in fear. Fear is stifling. It prevents you from exploring your options.
My philosophy: Push your fear aside because the alternative does not work. When you don’t try … you will never live into your answer. You will drift into hopelessness. - Be a woman who creates for herself, not a woman who allows others to create for her. You have a responsibility and the ability to create your joy, your safety, and your lifestyle. The opinions of others should not sway you. Knowledge and internal instincts should be your guide. You should create your own life.
I recall reading the novel, The Warburgs, a worthwhile read. It’s the true story of a large family living in Germany under Hitler’s reign of terror. Some of the young adults in the family decided to stay in Germany. Unfortunately, they lost their lives. The other siblings fled to our shore and helped make America great.
The moral of the story: Everyone has to make critical decisions. When you get ‘stuck,’ you have to pivot. How will you reach a positive end goal?
Be a Woman with a goal; a woman who makes excuses cannot excel at anything. Just ask yourself…Do you want every day to be Thursday?
My mantra: “I will work on positive priorities until I catch them to…Celebrate Life.”
What is your mantra? Think long and hard. Write it down, digest your words and put your words into positive action. Celebrate Life.
Ultimately, I believe women need women. To accumulate women after 50 and under 50 from all walks of life in my Enlightenment Salon on Honey Good is a dream come true. Truly, I get an adrenaline rush. Again, I know I sound dramatic when I say, “my cup runneth over,” but it does. To sum it up, I am thrilled and proud to be the woman, the gatherer who brings women together.
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Are you excited to Celebrate Life with me? I’d love to hear from you! Join the conversation in the comments below.
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I always thought women were more advanced, more attuned, more insiteful than men. While it is not a contest, one sex pitted against the other, men need to be quiet from time to time and listen to the woman or women around him.
I have learned a lot by listening to my wife speak with other women. They talk about nothing and then everything all at the same time. Love to all. GJG
I am smiling!!!! Warmly, Susan