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7 Natural Remedies for Relieving Pain

woman over 50 stretching in yoga studio for natural remedies for relieving pain. Naturopathic Remedies for Joint and Muscle Pain

Read on to learn some easy and natural remedies for relieving pain.

Sadly, for many people, pain is a daily and debilitating experience. Those who suffer from arthritis, fibromyalgia, and autoimmune conditions experience pain that makes life more challenging.

Painkillers may be effective at reducing symptoms, but they pose problems of their own. Patients may become reliant on the medication or experience adverse side effects like gastrointestinal issues. What if you’re searching for a more natural solution?

Here’s the good news: there are natural ways to manage your pain. Naturopathy focuses on using techniques like massages, exercises, and nutritional adjustments to provide relief to patients.

We’ve put together a few natural pain remedies to help you manage joint and muscle pain.

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The Passionate Pursuit of Solitary Pleasure

7 Natural Remedies for Relieving Pain

Sleep For At Least 8 Hours

As we sleep, our bodies repair themselves. Sometimes, the throbbing pain in a joint may be lessened significantly by the morning.

A night of deep sleep gives you a better start to your day. You can increase the quality of your sleep by:

  • Not using screens before bed
  • Using relaxing essential oils like eucalyptus, lavender, or peppermint
  • Limiting your caffeine consumption later in the day

Your pain may be worse after sleeping poorly. Try to improve the quality and length of your sleep to reduce swelling and inflammation.

Aloe Vera & Capsaicin Creams

Natural ointments can provide pain relief when applied directly to the skin. Many of us use aloe vera after burning our skin, but did you know that it can also reduce inflammation? Apply aloe vera cream on any affected joints for pain relief.

Capsaicin cream is derived from chili peppers. When you apply it, you’ll understand—it has an immediate tingling or mild burning effect on the skin. Use this product sparingly; the effects can be intense. The cream affects how pain signals are sent to the brain. Make sure to rinse your hands thoroughly after using it and avoid touching the eye area.

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Try Herbs

Natural herbs can help reduce inflammation, improve digestion, and provide pain relief. Consider adding ingredients like turmeric, ginger, and bromelain (from pineapple) to your next meal. Turmeric contains curcumin, a chemical that has anti-inflammatory properties. You can also make an herbal tea that contains these herbs. If you don’t care for the taste of these ingredients, try taking them in the form of pills as supplements.

Try to avoid foods that cause inflammation, like fried, processed, or greasy foods. Consuming more fiber can also help with inflamed joints. Balance your diet with a hearty mix of fruits, vegetables, and antioxidants.

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Apply Hot & Cold Packs

Have you ever taken a hot bath and relaxed as all your tension melted away? Aching joints can be eased by warm temperatures. Consider applying a heating pad or hot water bottle to an inflamed joint. Be careful not to burn your skin—a warm pack will work just fine.

A cold compress can also work wonders; try an ice pack or frozen bag of peas. You might choose to wrap the item in a soft cloth to protect your skin.

Try to apply the hot or cold compress on the skin for 30 seconds to one minute, and then remove it. Repeat this until you experience relief. If nothing else, the varying temperatures can offer a distraction from the tension.

Deep Tissue Massage

Massages are a completely natural way to soothe aching joints. Common areas where adults experience pain include the knees, the hips, and the back.

Massages can relieve tension and provide mental relaxation. A deep tissue massage can be painful for some—be sure to let your massage therapist know if the pressure is too much.

Do you notice consistent pain in your feet and legs? It may be time for a better pair of shoes. Or, these could be signs it’s time to see a pedorthist (certified foot specialist) include:

  • Foot injuries
  • Worn out shoes
  • Sore feet

You may require a specialized or targeted massage to relieve pain in a specific area. Tell your massage therapist which areas of your body are causing the pain and they can focus the massage accordingly.

Try Acupuncture

You’ve likely seen images of acupuncture—where thin needles are placed in the skin—and wondered how it works. Many people dread getting needles, so how can acupuncture offer pain relief?

When needles are inserted at specific areas (or pressure points), they create a micro-injury. This stimulates your surrounding nerves, tissues, and organs to respond accordingly. It’s designed to enrich the body’s natural healing processes. Acupuncture is hardly painful at all. If you aren’t too squeamish around needles, it might be worth trying.

Practice Yoga

We carry a lot of tension in our bodies. Stretching out our joints through yoga can provide deep relief for areas like the calves, lower back, and shoulders.

It might seem counterintuitive to move a joint that’s in pain. However, a gentle stretch goes a long way in reducing tension. Don’t push yourself to a painful position, but practice poses that get your body moving.

Try to set aside 10-30 minutes each morning or evening to stretch your body. Even if you are in pain, moving your muscles and joints can provide much-needed relief. The list goes on for the benefits of yoga after 50.

For those who are tired of taking painkillers, these natural remedies can help alleviate tension in the joints and muscles. Pain prevents you from living your life to the fullest. Reclaim your days by using a combination of the above naturopathic solutions for relief.

Have you tried any of these or other naturopathic remedies? Let us know in the comments at the bottom of this page. 

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NOTE: This blog provides general information and discussions about health and related subjects. The information and other content provided in this blog, or in any linked materials, are not intended and should not be construed as medical advice. Nor is the information a substitute for professional medical expertise or treatment. If you or any other person has a medical concern, you should consult with your health care provider or seek other professional medical treatment. 

*When you purchase through links on this page, I may receive a small commission. This is at no additional cost to you and helps with the cost of running this site. I am grateful!

February 12, 2025

Passages After 50, Relationships

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  1. Bonnie says:

    I use a cream called “Blu-Emu” for muscle and joint pain. It’s odor free and is manufactured in the USA. I find it very effective, especially at night when your sleep can be disturbed from pain. I also take Turmeric Curcumin with Black Pepper capsules daily. I was a runner for many years and now at age 75+ my joints are letting me know they have been over-used.

    • Carole says:

      That’s a good product tor me, as well. I have neuropathy in my fingers (just starting) ,and feet (many years, and pretty uncomfortable.) Also, Lidocaine cream has no fragrance and has been a wonderful relief as well.

  2. Kathleen Greer says:

    Stop eating white cane sugar. It keeps the inflammation going. Drink 60 oz. of water a day. And keep your weight in check. It is all about the stretch. Keep moving!


  3. Mary Michels says:

    Yes, Blu-Emu is a winner for me as well. Over-use in my knee joints from being active throughout the years. Now, at 71 I couple walking with Pilates, swimming, and light cycling. That along with the Blu-Emu soothes aches and pains. I use the Blu-Emu daily.

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