I'm Honey!

As a woman who has lived through many passages and learned through my larger than life experiences (positive and negative), I’ve discovered how to take a big empowering bite out of life.

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Positive Thinking in 2020

At HoneyGood.com, and in the Good family, “Positive Thinking in 2020” is our New Year’s resolution. After reading my true story, I think you will agree.

I sent out several holiday emails over the last few days. One message was to a Honey Good contributor whose practice is Positive Psychology. In my email, I said, “I wish you were able to teach your method of dealing with life’s ups and downs to the world.” While this statement may have sounded dramatic, I meant every word. The study of Positive Psychology is an uplifting game-changer in the field of Psychology. It explains how to view your circumstances in a positive manner and to use the power of positive thinking.

What is Positive Psychology?

“Positive Psychology is a scientific study of human flourishing and an applied approach to optimal functioning. It is the study of the strengths and virtues that enable individuals, communities, and organizations to thrive.” Positive Psychology focuses on the ‘good life’ or positive impacts of the human experience that make life worth living.

No One Grows up Unscathed

Let’s face it Darlings, none of us grew up unscathed.  And, I dare say, many of you still haul around your past negative baggage. I learned, quite by accident, there is a way to deal with negativity and to turn it into positive thinking. What a truly ‘Aha!’ moment it was when I realized this!

How Writing Transformed my Life

As a disclaimer, let me be very clear, Darlings. I am a woman without professional or specialized knowledge in Positive Psychology. However, at the beginning of the year 2019, I experienced an epiphany, a sudden revelation, that I simply must share. I realized that every unpleasant circumstance I had ever lived through ended in a positive outcome if I was able to face adversity with positivity. This realization, I call my ‘Aha moment,’ took my breath away. I was overwhelmed with surprise, delight, and joy! I acknowledge that this sounds very drama-rama, Darlings, but nevertheless, that is exactly how I felt. Positive thinking is that powerful!

Nothing good happens in life by accident. My epiphany did not occur overnight. It took five years of writing authentic stories about my life and my thoughts. When I began my blog, the furthest thing from my mind was analyzing my stories, experiences, or feelings. But by writing openly about my experiences, family, friendships, travel, likes, dislikes, and so on, I was by default, exploring my life experiences and my feelings in greater depth. Then, one day the door of my life opened, and I had a magical and transformative awakening.

You see, Darlings, I knew I was a resilient and empathetic person before I began writing. I had never really thought, however, how I came to be this way until my epiphany in 2019.

An Emotional Awakening

Some time ago, I wrote about how I felt as a young girl in a minority, growing up for the first 18 years of my life, in Kankakee by the Sea. The discomfort that I felt during these formative years led to an overall negative feeling about this period of my life. In fact, due to these experiences, my thoughts continued to be negative for years and years later. Until one day in 2019, the negative door of my life in Kankakee by the Sea closed and a positive door opened in its place. I came to understand that my time in Kankakee by the Sea was actually a very positive blessing in disguise.

What I came to realize, Darlings, is that a person’s negative experiences empower them to use their survivor skills. These skills, in turn, can become great strengths, allowing one to change their negative emotional feelings about an experience to the positive. I took away from Kankakee by the Sea two powerfully positive attributes.

  • My survivor takeaway: Resilience-the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties.
  • My emotional takeaway: Empathy-The ability to understand and to share the feelings of others from all walks of life.

You see, I would not be the same, positive thinking person that I am today without those experiences from my youth in Kankakee by the Sea. And, as I’ve told you before, Darlings, I really like who I have turned out to be!

The Moral of the Story

The moral of the story is to recognize the positives you take away from negative occurrences that are still bothering you. When you accomplish this, your negative baggage will disappear from your past and you will think in a different light when faced with future upsets—at least that is my hope!

Upon experiencing my epiphany in 2019, I felt as light as a feather. It felt as if I was gliding freely through the air because I understood how to close the door on negativity. I remember physically sighing. No longer would I allow negative experiences to weigh me down. The power of positive thinking would hold me afloat forevermore!

Honey at home

Options You can Explore to Awaken Positivity in 2020

There is a medical field called, Positive Psychology. If you need to clear out your excess baggage, make an appointment with a Positive Psychologist. I believe you will also learn to float on air!

Alternatively, try to keep a private journal or to write a blog. Recording your experiences and feelings allows you to confront them, to recognize their impact on you, to ‘clear the air,  to let go, and to move on if necessary. You can accomplish wonders by writing daily with authenticity. With this new superpower of positive thinking, perhaps you can even become your own Positive Psychologist!

Positive Thinking in 2020

You have a few days left this year to buy a journal or to set one up on your computer. Instead, perhaps you will use the next few days to seek out the finest Positive Psychologist in your area. Whatever you decide, you can make 2020 your year to incorporate positive thinking into your life.

Wishing all of you Darlings a very sweet and positive New Year in 2020.

For further reading about positive thinking, you may enjoy this article: No Sugar Coating Life: Only Positively-Realistic Expectations Here.

If you enjoyed this article, please subscribe.



December 29, 2019


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    • Susan "Honey" Good says:

      I am going to put your response to my response in ASK HONEY because of the book and the word positive. Look for my reply to you. Warmly, Honey

  1. Deborah Broughton says:

    I so value many of your posts but this is one of your best posts!
    Thank you so much for sharing this!

  2. Sable says:

    Journaling has been very helpful to me. Mostly I write when I’ve experienced disappointment or I try to make sense of current life experiences. Putting it all on paper, finding just the right words that reflect my feelings allows me to release this disappointment, anger or less than positive emotion fairly quickly. What I write has to be the absolute truth. I can go back as few times or as many times as I want, rereading my thoughts. This releases these festering emotions soon enough and I can move on.

    • Susan "Honey" Good says:

      You are wise to use the Journaling method and I know you realize that. Pass it on to your children and grandchildren (if you have them) and friends in the year 2020. I spent a week with my ultimate concierge at my daughter and son in laws home over New Years and one of my grandson journals. I was so moved by his writings and thoughts and he is a teen. Happy New Year in 2020. Warmly, Honey

  3. Susan says:

    Dear Honey,
    This article is so important. Thank you , thank you for reminding us not only to stay positive but not to carry bitterness or hatred in our hearts.
    It is so freeing to get to a place where one can let go of negative baggage. I have let go of a lot but am still working on a few deeper things from my past. It is getting better and it truly is much lighter as time goes by.
    My sister is full of hatred about the past. I would love to give her your article but don’t know if she is ready. It’s hard to have a relationship with her and yet I still love her.

    I’m going to celebrate 2020 in a positive light. Happy New Year dear Honey.


    • Susan "Honey" Good says:

      Hi Susan: Read my advice column on Thursday. I am going to give my thoughts to you on what to do with your sister. Please let me know your thoughts. I am so glad you got something out of my story because it is so freeing not to carry negative baggage.Thank you for writing to me. I know your 2020 will be a positive one. With positivity and gratitude comes happiness. Warmly, Honey

      • Susan says:

        Dear Honey,

        Thank you for adding my article to your Thursday blog.
        My sister doesn’t live near me but I plan to see her next month. We will have a nice lunch to discuss some of our shared past experiences. I’m going to let her know how much positive thinking has helped me let go of what doesn’t serve me now. Then I’ll present your article on positive thinking and hope she’ll see I still love her and want her to feel lighter and freer going forward.
        It made me feel even lighter when you said if she isn’t responsive to go on into 2020 letting it all go!
        An anonymous person coincidentally sent me the best book yesterday. It’s called Mother (blank) Girl Power. Perfect timing..I read the whole thing in one sitting and am still rereading it. It is empowering and a perfect book to begin a new journey.

        Love to you dear Honey,

        • Susan "Honey" Good says:

          Love back to you dear, Susan. I am smiling. Keep me updated if you want to. Here’s to continue being a GRAND Woman with Moxie in 2020! Warmly, Honey

  4. Susan says:

    Dear Honey,
    This article is so important. Thank you , thank you for reminding us not only to stay positive but not to carry bitterness or hatred in our hearts.
    It is so freeing to get to a place where one can let go of negative baggage. I have let go of a lot but am still working on a few deeper things from my past. It is getting better and it truly is much lighter as time goes by.
    My sister is full of hatred about the past. I would love to give her your article but don’t know if she is ready. It’s hard to have a relationship with her and yet I still love her.

    I’m going to celebrate 2020 in a positive light. Happy New Year dear Honey.


  5. Margo says:

    Dear Honey,
    I’m seriously considering starting my own blog. I spent a lot of time last year reading blogs, mostly about home decor, and am in awe that so many young women make a living doing this. I started journaling back in 1971 when I was first married and felt the need to talk to someone but found myself alone. So many things I’ve done through the years are now popular practices. At this time of year we are inundated with self help tactics and all sorts of ideas on living a more successful life. But so few of these are geared towards those of us that are retired and no longer trying to conquer the world. I turned 67 in November and think maybe there could be some worth in what I have to say about daily life as a retired person who has gone through the rigors of downsizing, enjoys travel and loves home decor as well as dressing nicely despite being very overweight.
    Your post on how to start a blog has inspired me to try this, although I have no interest in monetary gain. Do you have any suggestions or advice that would be different if doing the blog is not a financial endeavor?

    • Susan "Honey" Good says:

      Yes, I do. I am going to put up your story on my Ask Honey Advice that goes up every Thursday on Honey Good. Read my answer tomorrow on my blog, https://www.honeygood.com. I am excited to share your story with others and give you my suggestion for an opportunity you may like very much. Happy New Year. Warmly Honey

  6. Milton Wasserburger says:

    THIS posting is SOOOOOOO me! But I had no “title” attached to it or ME!! People tell me every day that I am that person for them!!

    OH… we MUST meet in person when it is finally safe to do so~

    Chag Urim Sameach~

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