I'm Honey!

As a woman who has lived through many passages and learned through my larger than life experiences (positive and negative), I’ve discovered how to take a big empowering bite out of life.

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Saturday Style With a Vintage Twist

Today, I’m sharing Saturday style with a vintage twist.

My mother taught me — instead of buying many inexpensive things — to always invest in one good piece. That advice stuck with me.

I do have some lovely items in my wardrobe, but you may be surprised to know that many of them I have owned for decades and I believe they are quite literally as stylish now as they were the day I bought them.

This coat is Chanel, and it’s an immaculate tweed coat that never goes out of style. The Chanel logos on the buttons are subtle so as not to be ostentatious or overbearing.

Saturday style: Not flawless but still fabulous!

I feel great in this coat and yet, like all women, I have my insecurities. What insecurities are these? Two words… my neck! Don’t get me wrong, darlings, I am happy to have one but this darn neck of mine has been causing me some anxiety of late. I suspect there are some other women over 50 in our community who can relate! Why is the skin on our necks so especially troublesome?

Ah, but so is life.

As you may recall, when I was in Rancho Mirage last winter I shared a story about a visit to a plastic surgeon to inquire about “fixing” this neck of mine. (You can read the story here.) In the end, for now, I decided that surgery was not the solution for me. I decided I would prefer to live with my neck. After all, the only time it bothers me is when I look in a mirror.

I placed a “new neck” on the back burner. Why? Because I am happy with my lifestyle. I prefer to look my age because I am vibrant, visible and me.

Remember my philosophy: 80% of a woman’s beauty is her mystique, her mystery, her magic, and her charisma. It is her inner beauty, not her neck, that makes her special to those around her and more importantly… to herself.

I then jokingly told my ultimate concierge that I would deal with this neck of mine with scarves and chunky jewelry, such as the necklace I am wearing below. It’s been said that all humor has a kernel of truth. I suppose today, I am proving that point. 😉

Saturday style: Let’s talk

What perceived “flaws” do you focus on after 50? Or, have you learned to accept– and love– the woman that you have become, creases and all?

I do care about clothes and self-care; I always have. And yet, I have never felt that my desire to express myself through style diminishes the much greater depth of who I am and what I have to offer, especially as a wise, well-traveled woman well after 50.

Have you too found a happy place where style and substance intersect?


On a serious note, as many of you know, the past several weeks have been filled with highs and lows. The trip abroad with my grands was filled to the brim with love and we created memories that will last more than a lifetime. I’ve also been shaken to the core by a health crisis with my grand Noel. I probably don’t need to tell you how something likes this puts everything into perspective.

I shared a poem that I had written to Noel. If you missed it, read it here and perhaps share it with others whom it may comfort.

I had written the poem a year ago, in September of 2017, when Noel and I found ourselves in different hospitals having Cancer surgery.

In the middle of the night, as I lay in my hospital bed with thoughts of her, I wrote her a poem. I saved it for one year and mailed it a few weeks ago when I felt it was time appropriate. Within four days of her receiving my poem, Noel was in surgery fighting Cancer for the second time in her young life.

There is a lesson… it is that we must always FIGHT to see the silver lining; at no time is this more imperative than when things are at their very worst. It is at these times that faith and optimism are the hardest to come by and the most essential to find. Do you agree?

I am beyond inspired by Noel and her dedication to fighting. She is so brave and wise beyond her young years.

Please share your thoughts either in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

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October 20, 2018


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  1. Nancy says:

    I have vertical lines above my lip. I cannot afford any procedures and do not leave the house only when necessary. What do I do or use

  2. Margaret Cauthron Qayyum says:

    Love all your posts but this one in particular struck me. You talk about your neck, well I don’t know which could be worse, your neck or a double chin! You are just lovely & your chunky jewelry & scarves will serve the purpose. For myself, one of four children I was the one who inherited the double chin from my Dear Mother & I also have the lightest skin & brown eyes while the others had a darker complexion & beautiful hazel eyes. What happened here? I will be 65 on the 29th & I am wearing this double chin proudly now. I saw a surgeon once but never went through with it. I also have pieces of clothing that are decades old & look just as good now as when I bought them. I am a plus size woman so I’ve dealt with a lot of ugliness throughout my life (I’ve lost a lot of weight compared to what I used to be as my younger self) I carry myself well & always have but at this time in my life I am more confident with myself than I’ve ever been. Thanks for listening to me Honey. I truly enjoy all your stories. Hugs, Margaret

  3. Arlene Davey says:

    You and your philosophies are always spot on.

  4. DeRita Vitto says:

    Hi you are so inspiring I just love you😄

  5. Connie says:

    Good Morning Honey, you are a very beautiful woman who knows herself inside and out. I too have a few flaws. For most of my adult life I have wanted to have the family “bump” taken out of the bridge of my nose. The lines and creases accumulating on my face have really never bothered me as much. My mother died at the age of 25, without the privilege of seeing herself with wrinkles and flaws. I decided to embrace the God given gift of life and “character” my family nose gives me. So, I am not perfect, it’s me and I am here at the age of 63, in all of my original glory, healthy and happy I am alive to see my flaws, and this way I shall stay.

  6. Jeanne says:

    Where might I find a necklace like yours? Love it so much

  7. Faith L Dunkel-Mueller says:

    So, several years ago it was MY neck bothering Me. My profile..the loose skin. I told my CSthis and hie tightenend the platismal (sic) muscles and I could not be happier. Imagine looking in the mirror and not seeing “it”. Best thing ever!

  8. Linda Johnson says:

    I was just wondering how your precious pup, America, was doing? He must be growing like a weed!

  9. Dobby says:

    Honey I think your neck looks great, you have a firm look (which I do not). I have often thought of literally having a face lift since it seems to be necessary to improve my neck…I just can’t, so drastic!!! The classy look you have overrides anything (which I can’t see) that is wrong with your neck!! I don’t always comment but I do always read your post and I love each one. Have a bountiful, blessed fall season.

  10. Susan says:

    I’ve always had the feeling that once I start fixing flaws it might not stop. There is no escaping age I tell myself. Yet there is that little voice that says you would feel so much better if you just had something done.
    You have a beautiful long neck that adorns those gold chokers perfectly. In fact, I’ve asked you where you got them. If you should find them available somewhere please let us know!

    It’s so hard to know if surgery is really the right way to go. Like you said…such is life. I’ll let you know if I make the plunge(someday maybe).

    Thank You again for the insight into your feelings. It’s easy to identify.


  11. Lisa Rubin says:

    I can and do address the signs of aging with more aggressive means than I once did. Maybe hitting 60 did it. But the one thing I struggle with is weight. I’m hovering at the point where my BMI changes from normal-to-overweight. It’s right there on the chart. My husband, very thin and healthy, is routinely able to push his plate away even with one strand of spaghetti still there. In my mind I still hear my Mommy (z”l) talking about not wasting food as there are the starving children in some far away land.

  12. Julia Mullins says:

    I do love the way you care about women over 50, (I am 74) and have put a lot of advice to good use. Sadly all my Grands have gone but I do remember their words and that carries me today. Thanks again!

  13. CarolAnn says:

    Honey, you are an inspiration to us all. My vote is leave your neck as it is. You are beautiful inside and out just as you are. I have a horrible scar from open heart surgery that shows even with higher necklines. At first I hated it; now it’s just one of many lines showing the beauty of LIVING.

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