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Summer’s Here: Gear Up for Fun and Good Eating

The weather is finally warming up and summer is officially here. After a year of indoor warm-weather activities and intense isolation, it’s time to get the family back together again.

There’s nothing quite as pleasing as reuniting the kids and watching the grandkids interact together in their parents’ childhood home. As restrictions hopefully ease up, you may even be able to take the entire posse out on the road on a much-needed family adventure.

Here are a few ideas to help kickstart the creativity as you come up with some fun activities and good food for the summer ahead.

BBQs and Pool Parties

Most Americans don’t need an excuse to host a BBQ (for instance 4th of July). If the weather is warm, the BBQ is ready to be used. In fact, some people use their BBQ year-round. If you aren’t one of these people, you’ll have to do a little work to get your equipment ready to party.

Gas grills can take a little work to get clean because of all the build-up of chemicals and dried food (try this cleaner). Once your grill is up and running, it’s time to take a look at the season’s latest and best recipes. If you’re cooking for grandkids, there are plenty of kid-specific recipes for grilling, such as grilled quesadillas or pizza. Hand out kid-sized aprons and get the whole family involved in the cooking.

Getting ready for a BBQ can also be a good time to get ready for a pool party. Perhaps you invested in that inground pool to increase your home’s appraisal value, but it’s been sitting dormant over the winter. Make sure safety rails are up and gates are locked tight and the water has been refreshed. On top of that, refresh your collection of pool toys for adults and kids in order to optimize the fun. Some of the best pool toys for 2021 are swim-through rings and a poolside basketball hoop. And don’t forget the ubiquitous pool noodle.

Celebrate Those Summer Birthdays

Every family has at least a birthday or two in the hot season of the year. This can provide an ideal opportunity to get the gang together once again.

You should always focus the event on the family member in question, but you can also make it an event that everyone can enjoy. If you already threw a graduation party, you can repeat many of the delectable factors by grilling and looking for fun finger foods to set out.

If you’re planning on throwing multiple parties or larger get-togethers this year, you may also want to invest in some reusable or zero-waste party items, too. That way you can rest in the fact that you’re having sustainable fun. Send digital invitations and use cloth napkins.

Take the Party on the Road

If the weather’s fine and the restrictions are low, it may finally be time to take your larger family events back out onto the road. There are many different adventures that you can initiate.

Be aware that the more complex or expensive they are, the less likely it is that everyone will be able to make it. Still, despite the logistics, an away-from-home adventure for your extended family is well worth considering. Here are a few ideas for different options you can aim for:

  • Host a family reunion: Now that most families or family members are vaccinated, they are starting to get together in larger groups. Find a state or national park in a central location and bring your family together for a reunion. After more than a year of social distancing, reunions are likely to see major resurgences. There are plenty of barbecue ideas for reunion food.
  • Travel to a good festival: There are many family-friendly summer festivals throughout the United States. Many of these can present ideal road trip opportunities. Your family can meet nearby, rent a house, and then attend the festival for a few days together.
  • Head to the beach: This one can take place either far away from or close to home. Like festivals, many beaches are great for everyone in the family to enjoy. From a quick flight out to Hawaii to a drive to California, Massachusetts, or any other seaside state, finding a nearby beach is a great way to spark some family fun this summer.

Festivals, beaches, and hiking trails are just a few ideas. You can rent a cabin in the woods, visit a metropolis, swing by a state park, and endless other options, too. The important thing is finding a family-friendly idea that all ages and interests can enjoy.

Gearing Up for Some Summer Fun

Summer is an ideal time to get up, move around, and enjoy time together as a family. Hosting graduation parties, celebrating birthdays, and setting up a road trip are all fun ways to make the most of the hot weather.

Of course, the ideas listed above are just the tip of the iceberg. Each family will have its own unique set of activities, foods, and social events that particularly resonate with them.

Consider what gets your family excited and then steer in that direction with your ideas. Brainstorm some options, and then offer them to the family to see which ones get the best response. You can plan the rest of your adventure from there.

What are your plans for the summer? Please share with us in the comments at the bottom of this page! We’d love to hear from you. 

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July 5, 2021


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