When life gives us lemons, we just have to make ourselves some sweet lemonade. Here you’ll find our musings, pearls of wisdom, and personal stories to guide you through life’s passages. Explore how to embrace your beauty with style, discover new adventures, navigate the nuances of relationships, pull back the curtain to deal with life changes, and resonate with the reflections of other women.
Short of plastic surgery, darlings, there is not much a woman can do about her aging neck. Trust me, I have done my research. I must admit, my once swan-like neck has gone south and dare I say, yours has probably joined mine. So what can we do? And what do we need to think […]
I have strong opinions about women “of a certain age” and I won’t be swayed in these ideas. They definitely play in to style after 50. At our age, we are strong, we have survived so much; we are wise, we have learned so much; we are appreciative, because in some cases we have lost so much. And […]
I like the saying, “Moving through the world.” I know there are many women who have given up on moving through their worlds because they feel invisible and irrelevant. They see changes in their bodies, their eyebrows thinning and their hands aging. They walk down the street without that extra skip in their steps, and their […]
My daughter, Jenny, and I were having a conversation about my Grand, Skylar. I am very careful not to interfere in my daughter’s life but every once in a while, when I am passionate about something, I very carefully —almost stuttering inside myself —say…”No, I disagree.” For such a tiny word, “no” makes a big impact, […]
I was recently at a charity luncheon. There were hundreds of women in the room; most over 55. The speaker’s delivery did not capture my attention so it was natural that my mind began to wander as my eyes took in the room. I asked myself a question, “What would the women in this room write […]