When life gives us lemons, we just have to make ourselves some sweet lemonade. Here you’ll find our musings, pearls of wisdom, and personal stories to guide you through life’s passages. Explore how to embrace your beauty with style, discover new adventures, navigate the nuances of relationships, pull back the curtain to deal with life changes, and resonate with the reflections of other women.
How do you love someone when it’s tough to do so? I thought long and hard about how to answer. In truth, we meet people in life who rub us the wrong way. Most incidents are easily resolved, some are never resolved, and then there are those people we love even when it is […]
Read on to see my 5 essential tips for best friendships and how I believe you shop for them as you do for your next favorite accessory. I’m dreaming of spring, a time of new beginnings. It’s a time that we sweep clean old thoughts that no longer bode us well, clothing that no longer […]
It’s been on my heart lately to explore the topic of loneliness and how friendships can help in overcoming it. But, darlings, believe me. I know it’s not as simple as that. Let’s dig into it, shall we? Unfortunate but true loneliness is the number one cause of unhappiness. Loneliness prevents you from feeling joy, […]
This is my opinion. I know our forced life in Elsewhere was a disservice to mankind. The repercussions that the virus created played havoc for there is nothing worse for the human spirit than, loneliness after 50. Never again! Yes, I say never again with anger because loneliness is foreign to the human spirit, and […]
Many women after 50, and under 50 for that matter, have lost contact with friends and acquaintances over the last two years. The shutdown and restrictions caused by the Chinese Virus have been a huge culprint; causing a forced loneliness and lethargic epidemic. On a positive note, those hours of alone time have givem women […]