When life gives us lemons, we just have to make ourselves some sweet lemonade. Here you’ll find our musings, pearls of wisdom, and personal stories to guide you through life’s passages. Explore how to embrace your beauty with style, discover new adventures, navigate the nuances of relationships, pull back the curtain to deal with life changes, and resonate with the reflections of other women. 

The Magazine

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My reverence for my skin was increased almost a decade ago when I was diagnosed with not one, but two dangerous cancers –- in the same day! After being diagnosed with melanoma, I can assure you, dear readers, that tanning is not an activity I engage in. However, for those of us who wish to have […]

The Secret to a Healthy, Youthful Glow


Best Skin Bronzers After 50

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It is very early morning. My ultimate concierge is lying next to me fast asleep; Orchid is on my other side staring at me with her big black eyes, the stillness of the early morning is all around me, and I count my blessings. I am wondering what to muse about for my Sunday Story. […]

Gratitude, The Key To A Happy Life


Grateful Women Over 50

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My week was a whirlwind…and I loved it! I hope yours was, too. I do believe that after 50, staying active and curious is a must! Do you? At any rate, in case you missed any of it, here’s what is new and newsworthy in our community of visible, vibrant women over 50 this week. Embrace […]

The Buzz: From Bullying to Books, Life After 50 is Never Dull!


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  I am sitting in my favorite spot in our home in Rancho Mirage with my dog, Orchid, by my side and my husband sitting nearby on the couch reading one of his shoot-em-up novels. The rock fire pit, filled with all colors of rock crystals that were bought to acknowledge my spirituality, are ablaze […]

The Biggest Suprise Of My Life! And You Are The First To Know…


How to Create Hope, Honey Good

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I love to look at my Mac. I love her sleek look and her window that opens up the world. I love to use her keyboard that allows me to rattle off emails and write my musings to all of you, dear readers. BUT, there is another side to my Mac. It is called the […]

The Secret to Mastering Technology After 50


Mastering Technology After 50

Many women over 50 do. I have found, the key to feeling relevant, important, and VISIBLE lies within you. I hope my free eBook will help you rediscover your purpose, and see the value that I so clearly see in you. 

as a woman, do you feel invisible?