As a woman over 50, I love my MacBook Pro.
Relationships are Important
Relationships are connections. When we think of relationships, we think of our families, friends, co-workers, and partners. But in truth, relationships are much broader in scope. Case in point—the intimate alliance and bond I have with my MacBook Pro computer.
This leads me to an important observation that relationships come in many forms. While relationships are not always about people, they all have one thing in common — emotional involvement and attachment.
Attachments to Possessions
Without realizing it, we have deep attachments and even relationships with some of our possessions. I adore my favorite perfume, my treasured wedding band, certain family photos, and cherished personal notes. However, first and foremost, I have a personal bond and intimate attachment to my MacBook Pro. For that, I am eternally grateful to Steve Jobs.
As I look down at the keyboard on my Mac and watch my fingers glide over her keys, I realize how attached I am to her. We create together. Through her help, she brings my thoughts to life. When I tell her to send them to you over the internet, she never lets me down. She allows me to communicate with my family and friends on the other side of the world with such ease. My life would be less rewarding without her. My relationship and connection to my laptop bring joy to my life and my Mac is not even human!
Women Need Women
Darling, my MacBook Pro, is more than just a sleek, shiny gadget, it is my charming companion! I think of my MacBook Pro as my wing-woman in making human connections. In fact, my MacBook Pro is my gateway into my private Facebook group, Women Over 50: Celebrate Visibility. If you are seeking friendship and community, I recommend joining us!
10 Reasons I Love My MacBook Pro
- My laptop accepts me for who I am—always!
- She allows me to express myself.
- This computer is always there for me, in good times and in times of need.
- When I am engaged with my Mac, I have a purpose and a passion.
- My Mac is a great teacher. Hitting the Google search bar gives me all my answers!
- She allows me to communicate with those I love, no matter where I am in the world!
- My laptop is a great communicator but does not gossip.
- She is reliable—for the most part.
- Her design is sleek and chic as computers go; she’s a total class act.
- My Mac has expanded my life. I am blooming after 50.
Pursue What Brightens Your Day
What more can I ask for from a possession, darling?
So there you have it! You too can have a meaningful relationship with a possession that deepens and brightens your life. Reading a great book, learning to needlepoint or knit, flower arranging, planting a garden, or making a scrapbook are all creative endeavors, essentially smaller relationships, connecting you to something you enjoy.
Life is about finding and pursuing our passions. I never thought a joy in my life would involve technology after 50, but my MacBook Pro has made all of the difference in my days. I admit I don’t know everything when it comes to computers, but I am learning day after day and week after week. With a willingness to expand my boundaries and learn more every day, I know that the little tips I am picking up along the way are helping me become even more familiar with the tech world that we live in now.
Looking back, having a strong bond with a Mac computer had never entered my mind ten years ago. I never imagined in my wildest dreams I would wake up each day and say to a computer, “Boot up, partner!”

If you’re feeling lonely or invisible, joining groups are an excellent way to stay connected.
Waking Up Every Morning
Oh, but what a pleasant change it is to wake up well-rested, refreshed, and energized to open my MacBook Pro and start the day with reading comments from my lovely readers! Whether I am home in Chicago or waking up in any other part of the world, I know I can turn to my Mac. Once I boot her up, I am instantly connected with all of you. Ten years ago, I never would have thought that I would be jumping onto my laptop and logging in every morning. What a stroke of luck that I am not only connected to my MacBook Pro and the ease she provides me but also connected to you all, too!
A Connection Worth Keeping
If you find yourself in the doldrums and a bit lonely, you can look past the human touch. There are many different paths you can take to find joy and fulfillment. Continue to pursue all of the activities, the hobbies, the people, the places, and the things that bring you joy. As long as something makes you happier, it is a connection that is certainly worth keeping.
I would love to know, whether it is your trusty watch or a journal that always keeps you updated on your daily happenings, do you have an item or two that you’ve formed a bond with? Let me know in the comments at the bottom of this page!
So true! Your blog today gave me a different, and gentler perspective on relationships with our “stuff”. I have been having a love/hate relationship with my computer lately, yet she’s been doing the best she can during some challenging times. I enjoy your style and your perspectives. Always brightens my morning.
I am smiling and I am glad you enjoy my perspectives. Thank you!!! Warmly, Honey
Well Honey, you don’t live in outback Australia with 3rd world internet connections. I would love to be as calm as you when I boot up, but no, I live with a constant struggle to get and maintain connection so that I can operate my business and keep in touch with the world. It can take an hour or more for me to get into my room management system. And because we don’t have the numbers out here, nothing happens. Many of us are looking to your Elon Musk to give us a reliable and reasonably priced internet connection. I see that as a disgrace for Australia, but good for Elon that he sees and meets a need.
You live in the outback? Tell me about your life and your business. Yes, you lack the internet that I have at my finger tips but you have a lifestyle I don’t have and I bet there are things I would love. I do agree about Elon. He is a winner. Sending friendship across the miles ‘on my booted up Apple!’ Steve Jobs an Elon Musk, too. I love my Apple. Warmly, Honey