I'm Honey!

As a woman who has lived through many passages and learned through my larger than life experiences (positive and negative), I’ve discovered how to take a big empowering bite out of life.

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The Buzz: Embracing Mindfulness + A New Giveaway!


This week, we’ve talked a lot about wellness, from keeping the romance alive and well to National Relaxation Day and how to give yourself the self-care you deserve.

And while it’s easy to talk about these topics, it can be harder to truly be mindful of their presence in our daily lives. How many of you actually make diligent self-care a part of your routine or take the time to make sure your significant other is feeling needed?

Sometimes, we must take a step back and embrace mindfulness in order to strengthen our mind, and furthermore, our actions. One way I’ve found to do this is through the practice of yoga. Yoga allows me to escape everyday life and become one with my thoughts. It is only then that I am more mindful of where I am on my journey, where I’d like to go, and who I want by my side through it all.

The Many Benefits of Yoga

Did you know that yoga isn’t just a form of meditation? It also has the ability to improve balance, stave off age-related mental decline and even prevent inflammation. These are immense health benefits, on top of the fact that yoga gives us each the opportunity to slow down and take some time for ourselves.

However, you may think this age-old practice is intimidating or that the poses are too complicated. But think again! Yoga really is for everyone, and this article from the New York Times proves it! So indulge in a little self-care, roll out your yoga mat (you can find some great, fairly inexpensive ones here and here) and embrace the beautiful combination of physical and mental benefits this practice provides.

An Exciting New Giveaway!

Speaking of National Relaxation Day and self-care, so many of you asked about the beautiful sleep mask featured on my blog (and in the photo below) that I’ve decided to give one away to one of you, my dear readers! All you have to do is enter your email address here. It really is that simple!

Once you’re done, I hope you’ll enjoy a cup of hot coffee and the Honey Good week in review…


The Week in Review

Be Happy Now in Three Simple Steps

As most of you know, I live my life on the sunny side of the street. And while it tends to come naturally for me, as it turns out, science is on my side!

After doing some intense research, I found that I happen to have a special gene that you might have too!

In today’s story, find out what the gene is and how you can reap the same benefits even if you don’t have it… Read the story!

Dating Over 50: Embracing Man’s Need to Feel Needed

Dating over 50 can be hard… we all know this. But what you might not know is that there is a secret to making both genders happy in a loving relationship.

It’s a simpler concept than you might expect, and this week on the blog, Lisa Copeland spilled all the details! Are you ready to embrace them? Read the story!

How to Keep All Kinds of Romance Alive

As you grow older (and wiser), you may start to notice your relationship with your significant other isn’t as fresh and exciting as it used to be. Let’s change that!

This week, I shared how I infuse my life with romantic zest and how it affects my relationships in a myriad of ways. Who’s ready to fall in love with life again? Let’s go… Read the story!

National Relaxation Day

As women over 50, it seems we’ve spent our entire lives taking care of others. Well, this week we celebrated National Relaxation Day, and I encouraged each and every one of you to take advantage of all the positive benefits self-care can have on your health.

On the blog, I shared a list of five essential ways to take care of you… Read the story and let the relaxation begin!

How Short is Too Short in the World of Fashion After 50?

Darlings, this week we veered from our usual topic of discussion to touch on something a little more controversial. Literally. I’ll give you a hint: it had to do with the fashion world… and all of you!

If you missed the story, can you guess what it was? Find out here and don’t forget to let me know what your thoughts are on this trending topic!

How to Survive the Loss of a Pet

When pets are a part of the family, often times their loss is just as hard on us as the loss of an actual human would be. And while time helps, it never truly heals our wounds or fills the holes in our hearts that our pets left behind.

This week on the blog, I shared how I have been dealing with the loss of our dear pooch, Orchid, and how I’m looking to the future the best I can in order to honor her memory. Have you ever suffered the loss of a pet? Read the story!

How Do You Embrace Mindfulness?

Please share your thoughts with me via TwitterFacebookPinterest, Instagram or in the comments section below. And don’t forget to enter the giveaway!

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This post contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, GrammaGood, LLC may receive compensation.

August 18, 2018


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