I'm Honey!

As a woman who has lived through many passages and learned through my larger than life experiences (positive and negative), I’ve discovered how to take a big empowering bite out of life.

Oh My, Ponder This:








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The Buzz: Meanings of Autumn

Meanings of Autumn

It’s officially the first day of autumn, darlings, and that brings me many pleasant thoughts on this crisp Saturday morning. There are so many ways to welcome the new season and to celebrate all that it brings. Here are a few on my mind…


As the Greek philosopher, Heraclitus, once proclaimed, “The only constant is change.” I think this is absolutely brilliant! Autumn reminds us that our minds, bodies, and surroundings are always developing. It also focuses on the impermanence of life, emphasizing how vital it is to embrace the present. By doing so, we can savor what we have before it’s gone.


This season is the perfect time for seeking comfort as the temperatures begin to drop. Creating a serene and snug space within your home is one of the best perks of autumn, after all. (Curling up with a hot cup of coffee never hurts either.) It also gives you a chance to learn about what makes you feel warm and safe.

What makes you feel warm and safe? 


Day and night are the exact same length during the autumnal equinox. Isn’t this amazing to think about? As a result, many ancient cultures have always associated this day with the concept of balance. Autumn grants us a chance to harmonize with the Earth and tap into the balance within us.

What does autumn bring to mind for you? Please share in the comments below!

The Week in Review

Fall Brings Renewal… And Agreements

The approach of fall has me looking at life from a different perspective. And you?

I have been pondering where I have been and where am I heading… in many ways. As the seasons change, it’s normal to feel that change is — quite literally — in the air. But I’ve also got a new resource to share that’s shaping how I look at everything. Intrigued? Read the story!

8 Tips Every Woman Needs to Know About Men Over 50

Appreciate a man for who he is, don’t criticize the job a man is doing for you, men show their love through their actions… the list goes on.

When you were growing up, did anyone ever teach you these tips about men? Honey Good Contributor, Lisa Copeland, says no and that her lack of knowing what makes men tick caused her to make a lot of mistakes throughout her life. Can you relate? If you answered yes… Read this story!

How to Have Difficult Conversations

Have you ever found yourself in a conversation where you didn’t know what to say or how to respond to someone’s verbal or nonverbal language? Unfortunately, I think we’ve all been there, darlings!

This week, I shared my best tips so you can be overly prepared for your next difficult conversation… Read the story!

Best Brows After 50 And How To Get Them

Do you ever struggle to try to get your brows shaped just right… or to look more full? Did you get a bad wax job and — even today — you are still paying the price with sparse brows?

This week, I shared tips for grooming and growing gorgeous eyebrows, plus some inspiration that you don’t want to miss. Head over to the blog to “brows” the story… or read it here!

Perfect Style is in the Bag

This fall, if you’re only adding a few new pieces to your wardrobe, make sure one is a great handbag! Not only do they pack a punch style-wise, but they can complement any look!

This week, I shared some great tips on finding the right handbag for you and why making the investment to get one you love is truly worth it… Read the story!

How to Handle Breakups With Friends

In this chapter of our lives, close friendships are more important than ever. However, they can also be a double-edged sword.

How we handle a fallout with our friends says a lot about us, so this week I shared what I’ve learned from my own personal experiences throughout the years… Read the story!

It’s Your Turn!

How was your week? Do tell! I would so love to hear from you either in the comments below TwitterFacebookPinterest, Instagram or in the comments section below.


If you enjoyed this story, please subscribe to my email list. Once a day, when I post a new story, you will receive it in your inbox. SUBSCRIBE HERE.

September 22, 2018


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  1. Susan says:

    Dear Honey,
    This Fall I have signed up for a mindfulness meditation class. You mentioned embracing the present. This is so important at this stage of life. It almost seems like it is too late but your blogs have helped me to realize how important every moment is. Being mindful and present this Fall and beyond has become my new goal.

    Thank You,

    • Susan "Honey" Good says:

      Embrace each day. Think about keeping a little notepad next to your bed and each morning before you start your day record one, two or more reasons you are grateful. This will start your day off, in the present. Warmly, Honey

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