What would you think if I asked you if you had a rose-colored glasses attitude? Well, darlings, if you don’t know what it is just think of making lemonade out of lemons. Do you walk on the sunny side of the street? Here’s why you should.

To live life with a rose-colored glasses attitude, is to keep on the sunny side of the street—that’s where the flowers are!
Why It’s Important to Wear Rose-Colored Glasses
Every day I have a daily burst. Most of you would say ‘a lifting of spirits’. Writing the words ‘a daily burst’ rather than ‘lifting my spirits’ sounds so much more energetic! Every day, if you can, it is important to find your reason for wearing your rose-colored glasses. This thought will cause you to have a positive and upbeat attitude.
Here’s why…
A Rose-Colored Glasses Attitude
Little things happen that make you burst out in a smile. Even on the days that are work-in-progress, little things happen that turn your havoc into joy. That is why I say, “Thank goodness for a rose-colored glasses attitude.”
Yesterday I had bursts of joy came from the unexpected…a soft breeze from an open window and the sound of the sea, my Ultimate Concierge’s laughter while watching Seinfeld, learning from Amazon that they found a lost package of America’s dog shampoo and the added gift of texts from my daughter-in-law and a few grands.
Last night I had three bursts of joy. We had dinner with friends and then attended a symphony concert at the Kravitz Center For the Performing Arts. Then, later in the evening, I read your comments on my private Facebook group, Celebrate Life. I fell asleep, happy.
I asked on one of my channels, “If you could travel anywhere right now, where would you go?” and over 150 of you replied with trips you were taking, and I burst with happiness for you because you are trying to start up a normal lifestyle once again.
Obviously, I thought of my travels, and my first thought was of my recent trip to Rwanda to visit the Silver Back Gorillas. I am bursting with positivity as I don my rose-colored glasses.
Even though there are clouds hanging over us in Elsewhere, yes, we are still in its midst for several reasons. We are starting to ‘climb the stairs.’

My pooch, America, helps me to see life with rose-colored glasses.
Traveling in Elsewhere
My thoughts cannot help but stay in Elsewhere. We pretend it is gone, but it is not. Sure, the masks are primarily gone but so are the customers in the stores. Sure we can go outside, but where are the happy smiling faces of American citizens?
I see myself gazing out the window from the 71st floor of our apartment in the sky and looking out over the city of what was once was my beautiful Chicago.
Unfortunate circumstances brought on by COVID have turned our country into a foreign land, Elsewhere. I honestly feel I am still on a trip in a foreign land in my own country! A trip I, like you, would not have chosen. Because the point in traveling is to enrich our souls, to learn a city or country’s history, and to view its statues and monuments. To meet its citizens and taste the foods, experience the culture, bring a memory home, learn its social and political background, and walk the streets. All good stuff. And, we come home enriched and wiser and look forward with rose-colored glasses and with curiosity to planning our next journey.
As I think about the past three years of my travels in Elsewhere, I have to search for my rose-colored glasses.
You Can Still Be Realistic with Rose-Colored Glasses
We have to think and dream that ‘the best is yet to come’ and ‘climb the stairs’ to make our desires come true. That is my definition of wearing rose-colored glasses. I do. I really do. Every day of my life, I do something to make myself smile. And every day I am grateful for my blessings. And I want you to follow my lead.
I can be so down, discouraged, or upset just like you. But I still find something that gives me a positive burst of hope. Even in Elsewhere.
I am a very realistic woman yet fortunate to see life with rose-colored glasses, even though it is scary. During this siege, I hope you have learned much about yourself. I have.
I am more selective in many areas of my life. Now I am more prepared. I am more educated about the workings of our government. Now I question. Where I never thought I had to be wise, I am wiser. I am a survivor. Like the pioneer woman who had to wear her rose-colored glasses as she crossed the plains, the mountains, and the prairies. And, you are too!
As a very realistic woman, I see Elsewhere as an ugly piece of abstract art without a frame. The art expresses man’s inhumanity to his fellow man, an attempt of bullies to divide and physically destroy a once peaceful, beautiful, and united society. I see this art piece as frameless because the portrait lacks order.
But fortunately, I keep the faith and the hope that our county will return to its timeless values and permanent laws restoring order. If I see it not happening, I am prepared to survive wearing my rose-colored glasses.

Stop and smell the roses, darlings, and make sure you’re looking through rose-colored glasses.
How I Get My Bursts of Positivity
Putting on my rose-colored glasses, I get a burst because I know there are far more decent and wise people than bullies living in Elsewhere. I get a burst because my family is safe. I get a burst because I believe one day soon, we will greet each other with genuine smiles of happiness.
Darling, I get a burst thinking about hugging my children and grandchildren and my friends. I get a burst that we will have a country of order.
We Can Finally Travel & Explore
And, on a higher note, I recently traveled to Rwanda, Tanzania, and Kenya with my ultimate concierge and grands. I love thinking of you going off to the places you mentioned on Facebook; Ireland, Hawaii, Paris, Italy, and New Zealand. And a cabin in the forest, Mount Rushmore, visiting children and grands, the Caribbean Islands, the Keys, Mexico, and more.
I got my nightly burst last night replying to your comments of positivity. You were wearing your rose-colored glasses and I am smiling.
Darling, how do you have a rose-colored glasses attitude? I want to hear about your time in Elsewhere and more. Let me know in the comments at the bottom of this page!
If you enjoyed this story about positivity and seeing life with rose-colored glasses, please subscribe.
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My beautiful mother, who I miss with all my heart…
always said, “Put on your rose covered glasses”,
whenever life got tough! I think of her daily, but
more so in this fearful time!
Caring our mom’s messages in our heeds keeps them alive. My father is with me daily as I catch myself not taking the high road …and I stop…and take the high road. You put on your rose colored glasses when you are afraid or fearful or upset and your mom’s words change your attitude from fear to seeing the bright side of your life. Right? Warmly, Honey
Honey, I have to tell you this quote you wrote exactly describes how is feel and see our beloved country. Thank you for your encouraging thoughts and continued love and respect for what our country truly is.
“As a very realistic woman, I have to tell you I see Elsewhere as an ugly piece of abstract art without a frame. The art expresses man’s inhumanity to his fellow man, an attempt of bullies to divide and physically destroy a once peaceful, beautiful, and united society. I see this art piece frameless because there is no law and order. This trip to Elsewhere is scary and maddening for all of us. But fortunately, I see a time ahead when our county will return to its timeless values and permanent laws that will restore law and order.”
Thank you so much Terifor the inspiration you returned to me. Warmly, Honey
I have enjoyed looking through your rose colored glasses this morning!!! I agree in these uncertain times I have made the comment over and over I feel like I am in a foreign country….never in my wildest nightmare could I have imagined all that has taken place this year. A moment of sheer happiness washes over me every now and then, although not as often as I would like. I really try to hold on to it for as long as I can. I just pray and wait for our beautiful country to heal physically, and mentally. I am weary of seeing our monuments and statues and history being destroyed by people that probably don’t even know the history of what they are demolishing…such craziness!! Law & order needs to be restored immediately, this just isn’t our America.
God Bless America.I am smiling from your words to me.Warmly, Honey
I look forward to your uplifting insights!! On days when I am not so optimistic, thinking of you channeling that optimism and sharing it with others is a real gift, and it helps me to be able to do the same thing. I hope then that my optimism can inspire the people in my own sphere of interaction. A wonderful domino effect!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!!
Oh, Thank you. The most important person it inspires is you giving you the ability to inspire others. It feels so good. Right? I am smiling. Warmly, Honey
Thank you for sharing your love and light. This post was exactly what I needed, today. My time in Elsewhere has impacted my mental and physical health, but reading this, I know that I am not alone in my feelings and I resolve to continue to rely on my faith and the sweet, small things that bring on a wave of joy. Tomorrow my husband and I leave our home to travel to our daughter and son-in-law’s town for the birth of our first grandchild, a boy. I will have my rose-colored glasses ready to go!
Well you certainly have a wonderful reason to wear your rose colored glasses. Congrats!!!! Wishing you much joy with your new grandchild. Warmly, Honey
Thank you Honey, I have been criticized so often for wearing my rose colored glasses!! To see you saying that we all should have them frees me!! Our rc glasses can be uplifting for all that we encounter…thank you again
I was facing a stressful mammogram test visit recently as I awaited in the building lobby. I saw a young woman confidently striding up the walk to the entrance door in a snazzy chic shorts outfit & great short boots. I enjoyed her confidence & it buoyed me up.
As she entered to head to the elevator, I smiled, wearing my mask, & spoke to her: “You have great style! And look marvelous! Very chic!” She looked surprised & her gaze softened [& smiled behind her mask] & said softly: “Thank you!”
That small, simple interchange made my day & possibly hers. And it was a unifying woman’s moment for us both: her being young & me old with my cane and her being black & me white…we were solid in our shared truth of ourselves. I hope I made her day because she sure made mine!
I am sure you made one another’s day. I don’t think Black people and White people are prejudiced. Of course there are always going to be a few but not many. Thank goodness. People are people and if they are nice that is all that matters. 🙂 Warmly, Honey
I met the most beautiful, peacefully sleeping baby and her mother yesterday. I was at work, and in my line of work we don’t often get to meet peaceful people. It helped me stop and smell the roses for a time.
Amazing. You caught the moment. Some people would not have noticed. You did! And, it helped you stop and smell the roses. Good for you. Warmly, Honey
Thank you honey for the sunshine you bring me every day.With the weather outside is freezing and your pearls of wisdom IT is helpfull to me in the process of starting a new life as a widow thank you Dawn
I am sorry for your loss. I know the feelings you are experiencing. My best advice as a widow in my forties…Grieve. Cry. Get angry. Walk. Stay quiet. One day, and you will know when it happens, you will heal. Warmly, Honey
My rose colored glasses today when I spotted your arms in picture, aha she has all the same marks I try to cover up. Alas Mine all over due to IRISH HERIDTY SKIN. But then I so loved that wee Irish Nana I had so that was my consolation !
Rely on your inner beauty. Not to say that I like the spots ‘I own’ but I am not going to let them ruin my day. I see them, wish I did not have them, and then say, “I am glad I have arms and glad the spots are not on my face!” I think positive.Warmly, Honey
I spent five days in Manning, Iowa and also visited The Iowa State Fair. No rose colored glasses needed. Hard work, family, friends and love of country is evey where. The most welcoming, sincere
friendly people you will ever meet. And the
American Flag files proudly throughout this community! I view my home of Portland, Oregon through rose colored glasses of Manning Iowa. Beautiful!
Move to Iowa!!!! I love America, our flag, and our liberty for all. I would move to Manning!!!! I live in Windy Chicago. It is windy because of our disgusting politicians, not the weather. God Bless America. Warmly, Honey