What do I mean by the luxury of a simple life? Look to the simple things in your life that bring you true joy.
The first thing that pops into our minds when we think of the word luxury are material possessions. Right? I happen to love the meaning of the word for a different reason. Luxury, to me, is a ‘lasting’ state of great emotional comfort. A material possession brings a woman instant comfort, like a shooting star. An emotional state of luxury, that I find intoxicating reminds me of the North Star, shining bright and stable.
What Does the Word Luxury Mean to You?
Summer is upon up in my beautiful Chicago. I luxuriate as I leave of our condo in the sky and step out into the balmy air. As I inhale I immediately feel refreshed. I often think of the warmth of my past life in Honolulu and for a fleeting few minutes, I feel myself relax and look back…
Ten years of living in Honolulu, Hawaii, had the most profound and positive impact on my life. I am, to this day, so grateful for the experience.
I hope my story will have an impact on you.
Living in the Islands connected me to my love of nature, to simply be, and my deep spirituality. To this day I am ever so grateful.
It was not until I moved to the Islands did I realize that this had been implanted in my DNA. My love of nature and my deep spirituality and desire for luxurious simplicity was part of me. The Islands brought it to light. I am grateful.
Life on an Island, surrounded by the Pacific Ocean, and the vision of Diamond Head from one of my daughter’s bedrooms. The sun seemed to rise out of the Sea each morning. There was the moon’s reflection on the ever-changing ocean. Orchid plants gave me a daily dose of joy. The trade winds quietly blowing through the open windows of our home, brought untold happiness and personal growth. For ten years, I could simply be.
What is more luxurious?
Oh sure, I had misgivings, problems, and nonsense going on in my life. But the island environment, an easy laid back simple lifestyle, kept me focused on what was really important. Always, I would fall back into a healthy reality.
I am grateful.
From Island Life to My Beautiful Chicago

No matter where you are, you can find purpose and that will bring you a luxurious feeling in a simple life.
I left the lifestyle due to the unexpected death of my late husband. A year and one day later, I moved to ‘my beautiful Chicago.’ And a year after that, moved into my apartment in the sky overlooking the grandiose Lake Michigan reminding me, happily, of my still-missed Pacific Ocean and island life.
To feed my soul I have orchids and live palms that bring nature into my life. I truly thrive as I watch the morning sunrise out of Lake Michigan and the evening moon and stars shining light over the water. On very cloudy days, I open a window and, on rare occasions, I catch part of a cloud as it seeps in to say, hello. Our condo in the sky has become my Island.
I am grateful.
“No man is an island, no man stands alone.” Life gets in our way. Right?
Like you, I have obligations and family demands. I have community interests, social pressures, and the ever-widening demands of a full life. My mind often reels in the city. Whereas the island luxuriously reeled me back into my personal reality and what was important. The island’s mood helped me deflect that which I did not need or really want. She simplified my lifestyle.
I am sure my story makes you question the environment you are living in and how it intertwines and affects your daily mood.
What is the answer to a meaningful lifestyle? What constitutes living in the lap of emotional luxury for you may be totally different from what it is for me. I hope you will want to create your own version.
10 Tips to Live a Charmed Life Until You Are 100 Years Young
Tips for Living in Simple Luxury:
- Pare down on material possessions (shooting stars).
- Be who you are. Don’t wear a mask.
- Do away with unnecessary complications.
- Delete people who do not make your heart sing or bring something to the table.
- Simplification of one’s outer look will never be enough.
- Live. Love. Laugh.
- Be grateful.
What Does Emotional Luxury Mean to You?
Don’t get me wrong, darling. I still adore a beautifully made Italian scarf or a pair of earrings that catch the light just right. But these days, true luxury for me feels less about the things I can buy and more about the richness of everyday experiences.
It’s the quiet joy of watching the sunrise from my floor-to-ceiling windows in my condo-in-the-sky, a steaming cup of coffee in hand in one of my favorite, meaningful mugs. Or the sense of peace that comes from journaling or writing to you. These simple moments, where I can truly be present and connect with myself, are the diamonds that truly sparkle in my life.
Living a simple life doesn’t mean living a deprived one. It’s about surrounding yourself with things that nourish your soul and cultivating a sense of well-being that goes beyond material possessions. It’s about creating space for the things that truly matter – meaningful connections, personal growth, and a deep appreciation for the beauty that surrounds us. And that, darling, is a luxury worth cherishing.
Above all, our answers lie in your DNA. so listen to your heart (the North Star.) It knows. And, then when the time is right let me know. I love to share.

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Dearest Honey,
I’m living in my emotional luxury as I type. I am on our beautiful island of Oahu for the month of December, spending it with family and friends….I too am grateful
Isn’t the word luxury a great word? It encompasses everything we do. Aloha, Honey
Our Sweet Honey,
I agree that a simple life can be (and is) a luxurious life. I’m a grandmother whose grandkids are teens & college age & living their own lives at this point. I don’t see that much of them these days. I’ve been divorced for 32 years & no partner since. I’ll bet some would think I dont have a fulfilling life anymore. But that’s not true! Like you, I enjoy girlfriends for sure. I too find luxury in that steaming cup of morning coffee, watching the bees buzz around the flowers, the melodious birdsong as the sun rises. Throughout the day there are things that make me smile: two furry squirrels chasing each other up a tree in my backyard, watching the 3 year old boy across the street stomping barefoot in a puddle! It truly is the very simple sweet things in life that add joy to our day. For me, though, the truest sense of joy comes from my deep relationship with God. That is the very core of my being.
God bless you dear heart,
My Sweet Valerie,
God Bless you dear heart. Your note made my heart sing. Warmly, Honey
Thank you Honey for your words on islands. I live in a harsh desert area of the biggest island on the planet – Australia and whilst it is always best to live in the present, I long to live in a softer, greener place where there are 4 seasons. This kind of place breeds up a toughness and resilience, but there is very little to nourish the softer, feminine side of me. I just loved the picture of you grasping at a wisp of cloud out of your sky high window. I am taking positive steps to bring my day-dreams to a reality. So at the moment, I just nurture myself with the planning and execution, little step by little step towards my goal. I can taste the sweetness of the achievement already.
Your note to me is filled wit daydreams. They do become reality you know. It just takes time and some guts!!! Go girl, go. Warmly, Honey
Dear Honey,
You are so right about this. Moving into a very small house from a much larger one, taught me that I didn’t need most of the things I had to be happy. There are only a few that I really want and almost none of them has any material value—like my grandmother’s pin cushion.
You inspire me each day, Honey!
Much love to you!
I agree with you that anything of my grandmother’s would be valuable to me, too. Worth its weight in gold. Warmly, Honey
Yes I agree.
For me, one small simple luxury is wearing high end lounge wear in the evening with beautiful music in the background while sipping my favorite brand of scotch, or in the the morning while I drink my coffee and stare at the snow covered mountains while draped in a vintage quilt handmade by me!
Simple luxury is beautiful:)
I love every word you wrote. How special. Warmly, Honey