I might be biased, but I do believe my book, Stories for My Grandchild, is a wonderful gift to give the mothers in your life.
The story of one’s family is a legacy that should be passed down from generation to generation. Each family’s heritage should be documented in great detail by a grandmother for her grandchildren. It then serves as a keepsake for the grandchildren so they can fully appreciate their background, culture, customs, and even the relatives that comprised their family from decades prior. Everyone deserves a deep understanding of their roots.
That is the reason I accepted the position from Abrams Publication to be the author of the journal Stories For My Grandchild. I am giving back to all grandmothers who write their personal life story for their grandchildren–and my darlings, how happy I am.
I want to share three of my own stories from the book. It was a difficult decision to select solely three entries. However, on reflection, I decided I wanted my grandchildren learn about the biggest challenges I faced in my adult life and why I am so grateful to be their grandmother.
The Values of Your Family Tree
“Observing your relatives’ attributes is like looking into a magic mirror” -Honey Good
Dear grandchildren of mine,
Your family tree, otherwise known as a genealogical tree, is a diagram showing the relationships between several generations of your family. I want you to understand what your relatives stood for so you can carry yourself with pride based on your ancestry.
Your family tree has strong roots. Our family’s heritage stems from a group of pioneers who left their homeland due to persecution and fled to America. They had strong family values and after saving money, they brought all of their remaining family to the United States. Your ancestors were resilient. With no formal education and a lack of the English language, they found work and eventually became very successful. They were keen on education and religious faith and taught this to their children and their children taught their children.
Our ancestral family was charitable and gave back by volunteering and helping those they knew with less fortunate. They were loving and nurturing mothers, fathers, grandparents, great- grandparents, aunts and uncles. Family always came first. They celebrated life always grateful for their blessings. As I write this to you dear grandchildren, I am not being a Pollyanna, an excessively cheerful and optimistic grandmother. I am writing these words in stone for you to carry on the traditions with pride of your strong, rooted in values, family tree.
My Biggest Challenges
“Do not let the fear of the unknown engulf you. Embrace yourself. Dare to live” -Honey Good
You will be beset with challenges. Everyone is. You have the ability to overturn and overcome any challenge. I know because I have faced many of my own and have triumphed. In anticipation of the obstacles you will soon overcome, I leave you with this message: “When the going gets tough, you get tougher.” Be resilient. You will land on your feet a stronger and wiser you. You’ll be more self-confident and the experience, your teacher, will be a great lesson. Trust me, I know.
“Take a big bite out of life” -Honey Good
I am so grateful to be your grandmother. You have all made me proud. These are my selections I want to pass down to you. Years ago, I never would have called myself a fierce woman. I had a hard time coming to terms with the word fierce, as I didn’t quite understand what the word meant. However, these days I live every waking moment embodying the fierce woman I am. The world is my runway and I carry myself with a beaming grin and unparalleled confidence, even if I’m doing something as simple as walking America down the street. My hope is that you embody that same level of self-assurance and take a big bite out of life.
I Am Fierce Because
I am a visible and relevant woman.
My word is my bond.
I give back.
Everything I do is with purpose and passion.
I use my power in a soft manner.
Loyalty is a big part of who I am.
I see life as a series of challenges, not problems.
I walk on the sunny side of the street.
Inner beauty surpasses outer beauty in my eyes.
I am worldly.
My top priority is my husband and my family.
I know a woman’s greatest asset is her femininity.
And most importantly, I am fierce because I am grateful.
Dear grandchildren of mine,
These qualities are rooted in my soul, passed down from generation to generation. You have incredible DNA. Use it. Envelope it. Treasure it and be grateful for your family tree, your heritage. You are just getting started on the incredible journey known as life and there’s so much ahead of you. I can’t wait to see you shine!
Never forget that I love you dearly,
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Erik Ericson called it generativity. Many people say it is finding your own voice.