I'm Honey!

As a woman who has lived through many passages and learned through my larger than life experiences (positive and negative), I’ve discovered how to take a big empowering bite out of life.

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Weekend Musings: Using Retinol, Friendships & More!

I Hope You Are Smiling, Darling!

It’s been a hard year, and sometimes it seems as if it will just keep getting worse and worse. We all are living in unprecedented times. But, there are things we can do during our daily life to make sure we are taking care of our mental health and physical health. Here are some of my favorites:

  1. Journaling for a least ten minutes a day. Get out any and all of your thoughts and feelings.
  2. Talk a walk if you can (with a mask).
  3. Self-Care time. This can include taking a bath, meditation, a walk, a facemask or anything you find revitalizes your soul.
  4. Making a list of all the things you are grateful for!
  5. Calling loved ones, or creating a Zoom call to catch up and have some face time.

These are just a few! Do something you enjoy and remember, things do get better. Hang in there. Sending much love to you and yours.

Why You Should Be Using Retinol

I’ve always been a fan of retinol. I’ve written many beauty stories about its benefits. Of course, I’m not the only one who knows the power of it.

I came across this article from Town & Country and it says, “The number one ingredient scientifically proven to prevent wrinkles and erase sun damage is retinol. It is the single most recommended anti-aging topical treatment by dermatologists. And yet, confusion abounds.”

So, why all the confusion? How and why does retinol work?

Let’s learn together! Read the article HERE

5 Minute Knee Strengthening Routine to Fix Knee Pain in Mature Women

Do you Struggle With Knee Pain?

If you do, this video is a great one for you. In just 5 minutes a day, you can strengthen your knees (at home!) and rid yourself of horrible knee pain.

I just love that we can find this kind of good visual information on the internet.

Friendships are Treasures

Time for a #throwback!

Do you know that it’s been proven, that having girlfriends in our lives is more important than exercise? Why is that? Because we share. Because we are united as one; as a group of women.

Find out more from this short video I made almost 5 years ago! It’s still so relevant, however. Let me know what you think!


This Week’s Roundup of Blog Posts Include:

A Step-Grandmother’s Guide to Success!

What Every Woman Needs to Write: A Love Letter to Myself

Stop Living in the Past and Embrace Your Age!

7 Ways to Care For Your Children as You Age

Today on Ask Honey – How to Live Into Your Answers

How to Boost Your Immune System in 7 Tangible Ways

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August 29, 2020


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