My father
Happy almost Father’s Day to every dad, grandpa, and father figure out there! I hope that you are taking time this weekend to be with family, or if you can’t that you take the time to wish those you love warm wishes and virtual hugs.
This week has been very warm, but I’ve taken advantage of this summer weather and of course, taken my pooch America out on his walks, and gone out to dinner with my Ultimate Concierge and friends. I have also been hard at work with my Honey Bee’s working on Honey Good as I usually am. As well, I want to take a moment to send out a reminder that if you have not joined my private Facebook group, GRANDWomen with Moxie – Where loneliness disappears yet, please do. We would love to have you join our beautiful group of women from around the world. We share, laugh, post about our lives and we are even planning our first in-person meetup. I hope to see you there!
Now, on to my Weekend Musings…
The History of Father’s Day
Tomorrow is Father’s Day, and in true Honey Good form, I decided to do a little research. Did you know that Father’s Day was not accepted as a national U.S. Holiday until 1972 during President Richard Nixon’s administration? And, did you know it was also ‘hotly’ contested? Let’s dig in a little.
Mother’s Day came first in 1914 so when the idea of Father’s Day was proposed, men found that the idea was ‘too effeminate’. As almanac.com says,
“To be fair, Mother’s Day was couched in terms of femininity. In 1914, President Woodrow Wilson called Mother’s Day a way to recognize “that tender, gentle army—the mothers of America…as one historian writes, they “scoffed at the holiday’s sentimental attempts to domesticate manliness with flowers and gift-giving, or they derided the proliferation of such holidays as a commercial gimmick to sell more products—often paid for by the father himself.”
However, over time, thoughts and feelings toward Father’s Day changed. And that has to do with several women who made that happen, and the changing roles of father’s in America. To read more about the history of Father’s Day, visit almanac.com!

Summer Solstice at Stonehenge in Ireland
Summer Solstice & The First Day of Summer
It’s not only Father’s Day tomorrow, but it’s also the first day of summer and the Summer Solstice–which means it’s the longest day of the year. It has already been very hot in most of the U.S., which means we better prepare for a hot few months. But what is the Summer Solstice and why is it the longest day of the year? Time for more history!
The Summer Solstice is the day when the sun travels its longest path through the sky and reaches its highest point. According to Britannica.com, it’s the longest day of the year because, due to the tilt of the Earth on its axis, the North Pole is shifted almost directly toward the sun, hence the long hours of daylight.
For centuries, the position of the sun has been used by cultures as an indication of how to plant or harvest crops. As History.com mentions, the ancient Greeks used the solstice as a one-month countdown to the beginning of the Olympic games. And in Sweden, the solstice is called Midsommar, and celebrations welcome the summer as a season of fertility.
Google your cities and see if you have a Summer Solstice celebration in your area! I’m sure it will be full of fun.
5 Refreshing Summer Salads via Tasty
Since it’s hot, I’ve been craving cool, refreshing, and healthy recipes. Salads are a great way to pack in veggies and protein, and even impress guests at a dinner party! They are also easy to make and don’t require a lot of kitchen tools.
This delightful video includes fruit salads, pasta salads, and of course, lettuce salads. There are so many options to choose from on the internet if none of them tickle your fancy, but please do let me know if you try any of these recipes. Enjoy!
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