Happy Month of Love, Darlings!
Today is officially the first day of February. Can you believe it? This month Honey Good is all about love, connection and dealing with loneliness. I know these are all topics our Honey Good Readers care about and enjoy reading.
We will be tackling these topics and of course, more.
Now, this week was all about getting caught up and enjoying my time in sunny California. I enjoyed answering the questions you sent for “Ask Honey” this week and thinking about how much you all bring a smile to my face.
Now for a few weekend musings!
The 50 Greatest Gowns Ever Worn by a Royal
Darlings, you know how much I enjoy fashion and the Royal Family…. so, put them together and I am alight with joy.
This fun slideshow gives us a look at 50 amazing gowns worn by the Royal Family throughout the years.
I especially love Princess Margaret’s birthday portrait from 1951. What a stunning look into the past.
What is your favorite gown?
Throw A Fun Super Bowl Party
The super bowl is tomorrow, which is, of course, a favorite American pastime. Whether you’re rooting for your favorite team, or you’re watching for the commercials, there is a way to enjoy it to the fullest. And how do you do that my sweet readers? Well, having a party of course!
I know you only have one day, but that is enough! All you need is some easy food, beverages and the desire to have fun!
If you need a little help, this great article from Taste of Home walks you through how to have a fun and simple party!
Now call your friends and get to the grocery store!
20 Best Romantic Hotels

Looking for a romantic last-minute Valentine’s Day getaway? Well, look no further!
This great list from Town & Country includes a ski adventure to Vermont – which is just beautiful, The Dorchester in London (posh!) and The Beverly Hills Hotel in California.
You don’t need to go far to plan a getaway, but if you have the means, one of these places might be for you!
See all 20 hotels HERE!
This Week’s Roundup of Blog Posts Include:
The Attitude of a GRANDWOMAN with Moxie!
Reinventing Your Look After Divorce or After Losing A Partner
Brain Health In The New Year
Ask Honey – Advice For Women Over 50 (January 30)
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