It’s officially the last week of July, and we will go into August with smiles on our faces and I’m sure our air conditioners will be at full blast! This week we had a full moon and of course, the start to the 2020 Tokyo Olympics which were postponed last year because of COVID-19.
Though the Olympics look much different this year, it has been so much fun to watch and celebrate the USA and all of the countries competing. Every athlete has worked so hard to be in Tokyo, and I love seeing their hard work pay off!
Speaking of hard work, I have been hard at work on improving your Honey Good experience and shooting video content for Instagram and TikTok. It’s been a big learning experience, but I hope you enjoy all the videos we have been creating. And, if you aren’t following us, please do! (you can find us at the username @iamhoneygood)
Now, on to my Weekend Musings…
17-Year-Old Woman From Alaska wins Gold for Team USA

Jonathan Nackstrand / AFP – Getty Images
A young teen from Alaska took home the gold for Team USA during the 100-meter breaststroke Tuesday morning in Tokyo.
Jacoby brings home Alaska’s first Olympic medal for swimming. And, she is the first swimmer from the state to ever make the U.S. team. How amazing! I read an article that joked about how she practiced in the sea with the whales and dolphins. But, that is of course, not true. There is one pool in her town, and that’s where she trained. How amazing. I just had to share her story here. She is a young woman with MOXIE!
Read more about her journey, HERE.
Heat-Proof Makeup for Summer
You know how much I love makeup. In fact, I did a little video about my favorite lipsticks that you can watch on Instagram or YouTube. While I was browsing for content to show you, I came across this great article about heat-proof makeup products.
Darling, there is nothing worse than spending time on your makeup, only to have it melt off your face when you step into the sunshine. However, there are makeup products that you can use that are light and sweat-proof.
Read about them, HERE.
5-Minute Toned Arm Workout To Get Rid Of Batwings
When I came across this YouTube video, I had to click at the mention of batwings! You know what batwings are darling, that stubborn skin and muscle that hangs off your triceps and sort of waves around! I think most women can relate to having batwings and hanging skin in that area.
This workout is only 5-minutes long, and you don’t even have to use weights. All you need is your very own body. Tone your arms and get rid of that stubborn skin! No more need to wear long sleeves when it’s 90-degrees outside.
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