Happy Almost March!
Darlings, happy almost Month of Moxie! Today, we wrap up the month of love, and it’s also a leap day. Yes, that means that today is a day that only comes every 4 years. Isn’t that wild?
Imagine if you were born on February, 29th! Your birthday only comes every 4 years 😉
I hope you all had a lovely last week of the month, and that you are gearing up from spring. Today I will take the opportunity to reflect on the month and all the love that was felt and cultivated.
How will you spend it?
What Is A Leap Year?
So, what exactly is a leap year? Well, I’m not a scientist, and I wouldn’t claim to know much about it, however, I learned a lot about it from this great article on NBC News.
Did you know that Julius Caesar was the first to create the leap year in 46 BCE? How interesting is that?
However, over many years the way we understand and celebrate the leap year (day) has changed.
Read all about it HERE
Flabby Arms No More
To round out February, the month of love, let’s love on our bodies just a little bit more.
If you struggle with having a little bit of flabby arm after the age of 50, or you have always struggled with this issue, have no fear!
This great video gives you 5 different exercises to do just 3 times a week. Create toned arms and have fun doing it!
Traveling In Springtime

Travel is on my mind, Darlings. Spring is on the horizon and with that brings blooming opportunities of places, faces, and experiences.
If you don’t know where to travel, or you just need a few ideas, I found a great article from Town & Country that offers up several ideas to research.
Whether you like France, Israel or prefer keeping in America by visiting Florida, there are so many great options.
See the wonderful slide show HERE
You really can’t go wrong with any of these lovely destinations!
This Week’s Roundup of Blog Posts Include:
Taking The High Road Is Not Always The Answer
Common Foot Ailments That Come With Age
How To Love Your Body And Use Shapewear To Enhance It
Are We Too Busy? Ways to Rest With Love In This Busy World
Ask Honey – Advice For Women Over 50+ (February 27, 2020)
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