In today’s post, lifestyle blogger Eugenia Winits taught me how to write a love letter to myself. Though I love myself and work to give my mind, body, and spirit the attention it deserves, I’d never thought of writing a self-love letter. Read on to see why she (and now I) knows it’s an essential part of your self-care routine. Enjoy, darling!

Writing love letter to myself is an eye-opening experience. There is so much beauty in you, look inside and remind yourself.
What Every Woman Needs to Write:
A Love Letter to Myself
Self-love and self-support are among the most important things in the world. Your happiness, satisfaction, and inner beauty lie in the amount of love you show for yourself. And, if you aren’t able to love yourself, no one will. This is why it’s important to nurture those positive feelings towards yourself every day. This is essential to blooming where planted. One of the ways to be there for yourself is to write a love letter to yourself. This is something every woman needs to do at least once in her life. If you’re confused or unsure how it all works, just keep reading.
Here’s how to write a love letter to yourself and boost your positive emotions, happiness, and inner peace.
1. Take Time to Prepare to Write Your Self-Love Letter
Before you go to the actual writing part, you should take some time to prepare.
The best way to do it is to find a quiet place, sit back comfortably, and reflect on your life. Think about the things the present you shared with the past you. What would the person today want the person of yesterday to know?
Consider the following:
- your ups and down
- moments of weakness
- happiest and saddest moment
- things you should’ve done differently
Reflect on the things that marked your life so far and discover how each of them makes you feel.
Spend time doing this until you feel you’re ready to start writing.
2. Write by Hand
You want this letter to be as personal and as loving as possible. This is why you should write it by hand and not type it out. This goes for journaling as well, which Honey advocates for as a expression of self-love and self-care. Writing by hand forces you to slow down and process thoughts.
Writing the love letter to yourself by hand will:
- make you feel more involved
- make the letter more personal
- add your spice to it
“This letter is your ode to yourself and a way for you to learn how to love and respect yourself more. Write it by hand to make it that much meaningful and special,” says Daniel Pearson, a lifestyle blogger and writer.
3. Show Love
Now it’s time to focus on the different segments of your letter. You should write it according to your own feelings and inspiration in the given moment.
Don’t follow any formulas blindly.
Still, it would be best if you write down everything you love about yourself. That will reinforce the positive feeling towards yourself that you need in your life.
You can love anything at all:
- your determination
- your caring for others
- the way you love your children
- your creativity
- your ability to stay strong
- your inner strength
Be honest and dig deep. Don’t hesitate.
This isn’t boasting. This is you showing self-love, being kind to yourself, and learning how to embrace all your qualities.
4. Apologize
One of the worst things we can do to ourselves is to hold grudges. We all make mistakes, and there are things in our past that still make us feel down. Feeling like you must always be on the winning end of things, may be holding you back from true freedom and happiness.
But, there’s no point in holding on to them grudges and ill will. Honey has a great post on a method of ‘deleting’ what doesn’t make you happy or things that may be holding you back.
This is why, in your love letter, you need to reflect on those things as well:
- acknowledge your mistake
- embrace what you did
- ask yourself for an apology
- let it go
This is a great way to let go of the things from the past and lift that burden off your chests.
5. Accept Your Flaws
Nobody’s perfect, and that’s another thing we tend to forget.
We look at all the people surrounding us, and we feel like they’re so much better than us or have it all figured out. But, the truth is we all have flaws.
And, instead of trying to suppress those flaws or feel bad about them, we need to accept them to find joy.
Here’s why:
- they make us who we are
- they prove we’re only human
So, write about the things you know aren’t perfect about you, but tell yourself you accept them.
6. Show Support
Now it’s time to step up even further and focus on giving yourself the support you need. You can write encouraging and supporting messages such as:
- You can do it, and I’m here to help you succeed.
- Don’t be scared, just take that risk.
- You deserve it, so go ahead and make it happen.
“Self-support is a crucial ingredient to a stable, happy life. You can’t go very far if you’re feeling insecure or constantly doubt yourself,” says Maria Peck, psychologist and editor.
Be supportive of all your ideas and encourage yourself to take risks, be daring, and aim at higher goals.
7. Positive Affirmations
Affirmations are just another way of letting yourself know you believe in yourself.
They are short encouraging messages that you can repeat like a mantra and help yourself move forward with more courage and determination.
Include positive affirmations in your love letter to yourself. Write whatever you need to hear:
- You are strong, and you will get through this.
- Nothing can bring you down.
- You are smart and independent.
Write as many affirmations as you need to hear and make them as impactful as you can.
8. Thank Yourself
Finally, it’s time to write some thank you notes to yourself and think about all the things you owe to the old you.
You can write things such as:
- Thank you for not letting me down.
- Thank you for always being who you are.
- And, thank you for your honesty and integrity.
You deserve to hear this, so make sure you thank yourself for all the great things you did, said, or felt during all the previous years.
Final Thoughts
Writing a love letter to yourself may sound silly at first. But, once you think about it, you’ll realize its exactly what you need to do.
Use the tips we’ve shared above and write a love letter to yourself. You’ll enjoy writing it and love reading it afterward. What are your thoughts?
Eugenia Winits is a freelance writer and blogger. She focuses on lifestyle topics and aims at helping her readers be the active creators of their daily routines. She currently works as a writer at Subjecto and Classy Essay. She’s also an editor at Top Essay Writing. The texts she writes are always informative, based on qualitative research but nevertheless pleasant to read.
Thank you Honey,
All my life I have been the cheerleader for everyone else. I like this about myself , but am so thankful for this suggestion!
I will write this love letter to myself!
This is a wonderful idea, Honey! I used to write in a Gratitude journal off and on and then a Goal journal. Both were helpful. But this I can see being helpful to me, myself & I even more so! It will serve as my posting to myself to move onward in my life as only I can. I praise Eugenia Winits for her well-thought out ideas about this and I praise you for finding her to give us all more presence in our lives! As a guided journal creator and calendar maven, I wish you both the best!
Thank you dear So Call Allison. Warmly, Honey
Linda Biderman says:
January 16, 2024 –
Honey, I have not had an easy life, but I do have a very strong inner strength that has helped me accomplish many goals. I never thought of writing myself a love letter and I think it is a great idea. Thank you for leading the way.
I am sorry this is so late. I lost some of my comments on my computer and just retrieved. Did you write yourself a love letter? Warmly, Honey