Taking a negotiation class gave me the confidence to have hard conversations.
I’m Always Learning
As a woman over 50, I enrolled myself in a negotiation class. In life, we don’t always get what we desire and that’s inevitable. However, we have a far better chance of getting what we want, whether its receiving a raise or following our dreams if we have strong negotiation skills. At this stage of life, many women don’t feel like negotiation skills are necessary. I beg to differ! I decided to take a negotiation class because I often feel uncomfortable when I am thrown into negotiation scenarios. Even though I am a strong woman who knows what she wants, getting the point across to others takes skill.
Developing new skills is important at all life stages, here are some of my favorite hobbies to try after 50. After deciding that the art of negotiation was a skill I wanted for myself, I signed up for a two-day comprehensive negotiation class under the leadership of Dr. Chester Karrass. He has built a thriving business on his negotiating system.
I am also fortunate to live with a top-notch negotiator, my ultimate concierge and husband Sheldon Good. He built a thriving real estate auction business on his superb negotiating skills. Shelly even goes one step further than Dr. Karrass’s teachings.
His feeling is everything is negotiable. And, darling, that suits me just fine.
Negotiation Is Part of Everyday Life
I did not negotiate with my ultimate concierge when he told me everything is negotiable because I believe he is correct. Everyone negotiates every day. What time do you want to meet for breakfast? Who takes out the dog in the night? What outfit should I wear today? Darling, this is a silent negotiation I have with myself every morning!
I wanted to take a negotiation class because daily negotiations transpire between parents and children, husbands and wives, friends, and coworkers every single day. Whether we eat chicken, steak or fish for dinner, where we dine, and what movie we see all require negotiating. If you have relationships, you are negotiating more often than you realize!
There are different types of negotiating and different levels of importance, but nevertheless, these tête-à-têtes can occasionally escalate into real arguments. I took a negotiation class to make sure I’m equipped with the best skills to create win-win outcomes, no matter the intensity of the situation.
Keen Negotiation Yields Stronger Communication
While it’s easy to negotiate most of the small stuff, the big things can kill us. Well, not literally, but definitely metaphorically. Difficult family problems, relationships glitches, service issues that involve products gone wrong, employers and employees and closing deals all depend on keen negotiation skills.
Truth be told, I find myself blurting out yes when I want to say no and I bet you have too. I get so annoyed with myself because, after the fact, I realize what I should have said. After the fact, I realize I should have told whoever I was speaking with that I will think it over and get back to them.
For all of the above reasons, I signed up for a negotiation class.
The Negotiation Class Recommended by a Friend
I discovered the course a few weeks ago while chatting with a friend on an entirely different topic when he brought up the word negotiation. He mentioned his wife took a remarkable course titled Effective Negotiating.
His words were music to my ears, and I bombarded him with questions. Is the company in Chicago? How long is the course? Is it expensive?
This is what I learned, dear readers.
- The company is Karrass, a world leader in teaching the art of negotiation. Dr. Chester Karrass, who founded it over 50 years ago, has an engineering degree from the University of Colorado, an MBA from Columbia University and a doctorate from the University of Southern California. He was a negotiator for the Hughes Organization before founding his namesake firm.
- Karrass is located in 95 cities globally, including (lucky for me) Chicago.
- Effective Negotiating is the most widely used negotiation class in the world!
- The class is usually around $1400, but it varies depending on location.
Always Ready to Challenge Myself
While sitting quietly with my pooch, America, I thought about how my life would change if I learned how to be a learned negotiator. I decided I would challenge myself and take the negotiation class because I wanted to feel confident in dealing with my family and other relationships. I am estranged from my adult children and knew that learning negotiation skills would be beneficial to reconciliation. If you are estranged from your adult children, you should join my private Facebook group, “Estranged Mothers and Grandmothers: Millions Strong.”)
Benefits of a Negotiation Class
Here are a few reasons I felt a class in negotiation would benefit me:
- Rather than feel guilt-ridden, I want to feel comfortable with my decisions.
- I want to be thoughtful and strong in the decision-making process by understanding all parameters and consequences that go into processing a decision before I negotiate with friends, acquaintances and in my business,
- It is important to me to be able to negotiate fairly yet firmly with my children when they confront me. Family emotions range from love to rage and everything in between. Becoming a skilled negotiator may help me prevent a future family skirmish from getting out of control.
- I want to be a more astute negotiator in business transactions.
On a lighter note, I have no problems negotiating with Shelly, a skilled negotiator, because he always puts my interests above all else. I am blessed. He does not have to negotiate with me because I put his interest above all else too. He is blessed.

If you have trouble standing up for yourself of your loved ones, you should take a negotiation class.
I Took the Negotiation Class
In truth, I negotiated myself into taking the course! Good for me that I made the decision. I assume my personal feelings are similar to yours. After all, we are mothers, wives, grandmothers, businesswomen, and girlfriends. We wear the same hats and field the same problems with confrontations that require daily negotiation skills.
Becoming skilled in the art of negotiation adds to our strengths. I’m a firm believer that a woman’s essence, her ability to negotiate fairly and squarely, is an attribute.
Taking the course at Karrass was very challenging. I was the oldest in the room. There were three other women and approximately forty men, all in their 30’s. The course was business-oriented but nevertheless, I did learn tactics and strategies.
Things I Learned at the Negotiation Class
Important things I learned about the art of negotiation are applicable in business, relationships, and more.
- A good negotiation should aim for a win-win solution. One person’s win shouldn’t result in another’s loss.
- Preparation is important when negotiating. You should understand the other persons needs, and you should know your own limits (including when it is best to walk away).
- Using tactics like deadlines, patience, and silence can help you “win” a negotiation.
Most importantly, I came away with this: all of life is give and take.
In negotiation, it is important to be fair yet reasonable, firm yet knowledgeable, and last but not least, to remember my ultimate concierge’s words, “Everything is negotiable.”
You can visit Karrass.com for information on their Effective Negotiating course. If you prefer a self-study, I recommend reading Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In.
Dear Honey
Congradulations on taking the course !!! Great job !!!so happy for you 🙂
I was proud of myself this year i went to Paris all by myself . It was a dream of mine since i was a little girl to go to Paris 🙂 I never travelled alone in a different country . At age 56 i never had the opportunity to travel .This was my chance to do it and it just felt like perfect time in my life forca adventure . I was suppose to travel with a group but was cancelled because of low attendance .
My daughter suggested for me to go on my own …..
At first i said i cant go by myself !!!
Shes like lots of people travel on there own .
After thinking about it that night i booked my flight the next day 🙂
Was the best experience of my life i was so happy i met people from Thailand and every body was so friendly and nice so i didnt feel alone .
Gave me more confidence and independance that i can be older and still have a good life on my own 🙂
Tx L
Dear Honey
Congradulations on taking the course !!! Great job !!!so happy for you 🙂
I was proud of myself this year i went to Paris all by myself . It was a dream of mine since i was a little girl to go to Paris 🙂 At age 56 i never had the opportunity to travel .This was my chance to do it and it just felt like perfect time in my life for a adventure . I was suppose to travel with a group but was cancelled because of low attendance .
My daughter suggested for me to go on my own …..
At first i said i cant go by myself !!
After thinking about it that night i booked my flight the next day 🙂
Was the best experience of my life i was so happy i met people from Thailand and every body was so friendly and nice so i didnt feel alone .
Gave me more confidence and independance that i can be older and still have a good life on my own 🙂
Tx L
I am very happy for you. That was very courageous of you to go to Paris on your own as a new traveler.I am sure it did make a change in how you feel about yourself. You bloomed into the awareness that you are a woman of independence, adventure and self confidence. I am smiling. Warmly, Honey