Everyone wants to be happy. In times like these, it’s hard to capture inner happiness. But, when you have a will, there is a way to capture your goal. You can begin by creating your own personal mission statement.
I struggled in 2020 trying to live a positive lifestyle in Elsewhere, but I felt terribly isolated from society, family, and the normalcy of life. Darling, I wished so many times that I could run away to somewhere over the rainbow, but there was no place to run. I spent most of the year feeling like Chicken Little, “The sky is falling.” I know I cannot toss away the reality that our isolation will continue into 2021, but I know I can discover ways to protect myself from the storm. And, so can you.
Therefore, I have a goal to gear up a positive attitude and make changes I can control. So, I ask myself, “What action(s) can I take that will give me the power to regain a feeling of positivity, hope, and fearlessness?” If you are feeling a sense of hopelessness and stress, do the same. This will become your mission statement for 2021.
My Personal Mission Statement
“My goal is to regain inner happiness after the events of 2020 that happened outside of my control. Taking new steps to thwart off these negative happenings will help me deal with the feeling of isolation. I will also find answers to my other concerns by seeking out wise and knowledgeable people who are authorities in their fields. I will read, listen, and watch ‘all’ news from leaders who have differing political, medical, and financial opinions. And, I will constantly tune in and never tune out.”
How a Mission Statement Helps You
Darling, now I am focused. A mission statement will help you focus on a goal(s). A goal allows you to take action. To take action gives you inner pride, takes away fear, and will give you hope and positivity. With hope and positivity life will be good.
My Goals
Goal #1: I will concentrate on adding new ideas of ways to spend time with my Ultimate Concierge, my pooch America, my family, close friends, all of you, and my personal thoughts. This goal will help me deal with my feeling of isolation and I will be happier.
So, I began this goal with a letter to many of my friends with the hope of becoming pen pals. I reprinted it for you to read in one of my stories. I have heard back from several of my friends and I am in the process of answering. Six months ago this idea would never have entered my mind. But, I am very happy about this action I took.
Goal #2: I will work on the ‘do’s’ that will make me happy. For instance, I am working on several projects with a goal and a time limit. For my personal well-being, I began virtual Yoga lessons. And, I have other projects on the drawing board. This alone makes me very happy.
Darling, I have shown you how a mission statement will give you a goal(s) to focus on for your happiness.
A True Story About Attitude
I have told you that a positive attitude is a 99% cure for everything. Two days ago my attitude came in handy.
We left our apartment in the sky at 8:30 a.m. with America in tow for a 30-minute to 1-hour journey (depending on traffic) to Glencoe, a suburb outside Chicago. Why? Because America has his haircut in Glencoe. I know it sounds ridiculous, and it is, but nevertheless, he is in love with his barber. A long ride and a 4-hour wait in Glencoe requires a positive attitude.
After we dropped our pooch at the barber, we had 4-hours to kill. So, off we drove to another suburb, Lincolnwood, so I could drop off my shoes at the shoemaker, pick-up bagels at the bagel shop, and gas-up the car. This drive took another 30-minutes.
Then we drove to the suburb of Norridge, another long drive. Why? To Shelly’s barber! Because like America, my Ultimate Concierge is in love with his barber! He is also a very loyal man and has followed Rocky’s career from shop to shop for 30 years! I was happy that my Ultimate Concierge was happy.
One block away from the barbershop we got a flat tire… right in front of an auto body shop! How lucky was that?
“OMG,” I said, “We are so lucky. We are right in front of an automobile shop and you can walk to Rocky’s for your haircut.”
His retort, “How do we know they will have a tire? We have no spare because the hardtop convertible folds up into the tire space leaving no room for a spare tire. That is why we have special tires that give us a 50-mile warning. I don’t know why we did not get a warning. What if we cannot get back to America at the pet shop before they close?”
I responded, “If they don’t have a tire they will find a tire. I will call the pet shop, tell them our problem, and find out what time they close so you can stop worrying.” Then, I purposely paused and when I spoke, changed the pitch in my voice and said, “We could have had a flat tire on the highway we just drove off of. We are so lucky!”
My Ultimate Concierge smiled, “You always see the glass half full.”
Well, darling, the man at the shop found the special tire, my Ultimate Concierge got a great haircut, we picked up America (who looked like a show dog) before the shop closed, and all was well. Yes, we had to wait for 4-hours for the tire, but everything worked out.
Remember: Be grateful when there are scares.
The Great Morale of a Positive Attitude
With all this being said, please consider doing a mission statement. This will be your positive statement that pertains to your situation. I support the idea because it will steady and ground your thoughts and help you focus on what can bring you a gentle source of happiness.
Darling, see the glass half full and give yourself the gift of a positive attitude. As I said before, a positive attitude will help you solve 99% of a problem. Trust me!
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Thank you for this inspiration, Honey! I’m so happy that you are finding ways to turn things around to positivity again!❤️
My response is a little late but never -the- less heart felt.Thank you for being happy for me. I do feel I am able to breathe again especially now that I have had the first dose of the vaccine. My fingers are crossed that Elsewhere will eventually become somewhere over the rainbow. Sending friendship and warmth…Honey
Dear Honey,
Here is my mission statement for 2021:
My mission for 2021 is to become more resilient so I can more effectively deal with the events, stresses, and challenges of this year. I will pray more and ruminate on the past less. I will practice better self care by focusing on activities and thoughts that nurture my mind and body. I will become more curious and not fear going outside my comfort zone.
I will create short and long term goals – ones that are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timely – to lay the path to strength and resilience.
Your mission statement gave me the chills.It is so spot on.Creating short and long term goals that are measurable sticks with me. I think that is a good one to tell our children and grandchildren,too. Thank you for sharing. Warmly, Honey